Rescue at Lake Wild by Terry Lynn Johnson

Rescue at Lake Wild

Rescue at Lake Wild by Terry Lynn Johnson

Release: April 27th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  HMH Books for Young Readers
Source: Netgalley
Find it at Goodreads, KindleB&NKobo.



In this funny and moving animals-in-peril adventure, a twelve-year-old girl and her two best friends determined to rescue two orphaned beaver kits. And they soon find themselves trying to solve a local environmental crisis. Perfect for fans of Pax and A Boy Called Bat

Everyone knows that twelve-year-old Madison “Madi” Lewis cannot bring home any more animals. She has already saved hairless mice, two birds, a rabbit, and a stray tom cat that destroyed the front porch. Madi’s parents decide that if they find one more stray animal in the house, she won’t be meeting Jane Goodall at an upcoming gala event.

However, Madi and her two best friends, Aaron and Jack, rescue the beaver kits after killing their mother. Now, they find themselves at the center of a local conspiracy that’s putting the beavers and their habitats in danger. As Madi and her friend’s race to uncover the threat targeting the beavers, Madi must put her animal whisperer skills to the test in both raising the orphaned beaver kits and staying out of trouble long enough.

About the Author:

Terry Lynn Johnson writes middle-grade adventures based on her experiences living in northern Ontario, Canada. She might have fallen through the ice a time or two, been dragged by a dog team, blown up a wood stove, been attacked by a sloth (slowly), nearly drowned on a portage, and chased a bear with a chainsaw.

She owned eighteen sled dogs but now owns one border collie who is almost smart enough to type out her own adventures.

Terry writes outdoor adventures inspired by her own team of eighteen Alaskan Huskies. Her passion for adventure has provided her with a rich background to write from.

When she’s not writing, Terry enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, and kayaking. She works as a Conservation Officer (Game Warden) in Whitefish Falls, Ontario.

She is represented by Caryn Wiseman of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency.

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Rescue at Lake Wild Review:

Rescue at Lake Wild” is a cute middle-grade adventure about a girl who acts as an animal whisperer to help beavers.

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Firstly, I admire the author for writing a middle-grade novel focusing on preserving wildlife. I was fascinated reading about beavers’ habitual traits and thought the author did a lovely job in narrating the facts. Also, the story is relatively short and would encourage young readers to read and learn.

The characters are also likable and adventurous. Madison is a fantastic protagonist. She motives you to appreciate the outdoors and protecting the beavers. I feel Madison is an excellent inspiration for a reader of any age group. Moreover, I enjoyed how she meticulously researches and details her findings of the beavers in an organized manner. I also liked the idea Madison comes up with using iPods to direct them. She also has a friendly rapport with Jack and Aaron, and they form a good team.

Similarly, the author also added the mystery element nicely, wondering who the culprit is. Some moments also made me laugh out loud, like when Madison realizes where the beavers are, thanks to her mother.

However, the ending felt rushed. Although I enjoyed the end, I felt that there was too much going on. A lot happens in the last few pages, where it feels like you miss out on a lot if you blink. Moreover, I don’t remember if there was any punishment for the culprit who initiated the attack.

Apart from that, this is a charming book. I can see this turn into a series, where we follow Madison on many adventures rescuing various animals. Overall, “Rescue at Lake Wild” is a cute middle-grade adventure that is great to pick up, especially if you are an animal lover.


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