Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas

Lost in the Never Woods

Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas

Release: March 23rd, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Swoon Reads
Source: Netgalley
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N.



Lost in the Never Woods is the YA Peter Pan reimagining we didn’t know we needed. Darkly atmospheric, Aiden Thomas’ sophomore novel follows a modern-day Peter Pan and Wendy’s work to uncover the truth behind a frightening series of disappearances in Wendy’s hometown. Mystery, intrigue, and magical realism abound in this haunting twist on a classic tale.

When children start to go missing in the local woods, a teen girl must face her fears and a past she can’t remember to rescue them in this atmospheric YA novel, Lost in the Never Woods by the author Cemetery Boys.

It’s been five years since Wendy, and her two brothers went missing in the woods, but when the town’s children start to disappear, the questions surrounding her brothers’ mysterious circumstances are brought back into the light. Attempting to flee her past, Wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road…

Peter, a boy she thought lived only in her stories, asks for Wendy’s help to rescue the missing kids. But, to find them, Wendy must confront what’s waiting for her in the woods.

Praise for Aiden Thomas and Cemetery Boys:

“This stunning debut novel from Thomas is detailed, heart-rending, and immensely romantic.” —Mark Oshiro, author of Anger is a Gift.

“Aiden Thomas masterfully weaves a tale of family, friendships, and love in a heartwarming adventure full of affirmation and being your best self.” — C.B. Lee, author of Not Your Sidekick.

About the Author:

Aiden Thomas is a New York Times Bestselling author with an MFA in Creative Writing. Originally from Oakland, California, they now make their home in Portland, Oregon. As a queer, trans, Latinx, Aiden advocates strongly for diverse representation in all media. Aiden’s special talents include: quoting The Office, finishing sentences with “is my FAVORITE,” and killing spiders. Aiden is notorious for not being able to guess books and movies’ endings and organizes their bookshelves by color.

Their debut novel, CEMETERY BOYS, was published on September 1st, 2020.

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Lost in the Never Woods Review:

I loved “Lost in the Never Woods” so much and didn’t want it to end!

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I read “Cemetery Boys” by the same author last year and fell in love with the style of writing. In my opinion, the author went on another higher level in “Lost in the Never Woods.” Some of the passages were so profound and beautiful. Frankly, the author did a beautiful job of taking a classic tale like “Peter Pan” and retelling it in a modern, young adult crime fiction novel. “Peter Pan” is one of my favorite classics, but even I could not predict how the storyline would progress in this book.

Similarly, the characters are dynamic, mysterious, and profound! Wendy shines in the lead as she tries to figure out her strange drawings. Moreover, I loved her chemistry with Peter and felt they shared a heartfelt friendship. The author writes the grief and loss of the characters in a personal way that made me emotional. Some of my favorite moments are when Wendy and Peter stumble upon the waterfall or when they go to get ice cream. The moments they share put a smile on my face.

However, there were some little moments that I felt could be polished. For instance, I didn’t find Jordan’s role relevant to the plot. Moreover, I don’t think the author explained why Wendy starts seeing Peter only on her birthday. Nevertheless, that did not stop me from enjoying the story. The plot picks up towards the end that leads to a memorable climax.

Overall, “Lost in the Never Woods” is one of my favorite retellings this year. I hope the author continues to write many more beautiful books in this genre.


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