The Steel Beneath the Silk by Patricia Bracewell

The Steel Beneath the Silk

The Steel Beneath the Silk by Patricia Bracewell

Release: March 2nd, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Bellastoria Press
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, AudibleB&N



A breathtaking conclusion to Bracewell’s Emma of Normandy Trilogy, brimming with treachery, heartache, tenderness, and passion as the English queen confronts ambitious and traitorous councilors, invading armies, and the Danish king’s power-hungry concubine.

In the year 1012, England’s Norman-born Queen Emma has spent ten years with an aging, ruthless, haunted husband, King Æthelred. But, the marriage is a bitterly unhappy one, between a queen who seeks to create her own sphere of influence within the court and a suspicious king who eyes her efforts with hostility and resentment. But royal discord shifts to a grudging alliance when Cnut of Denmark, with the secret collusion of his English concubine Elgiva, invades England at the head of a massive Viking army. Hence, amid the chaos of war, Emma must outwit a fierce enemy whose goal is conquering and outmaneuver the cunning Elgiva, who threatens all those whom Emma loves.

About the Author:

Patricia Bracewell grew up in Los Angeles, where her love of stories led to college degrees in Literature, a career as a high school English teacher, and a yearning to write.

She left Los Angeles for the San Francisco Bay Area’s greener landscape, where she met and married a charming Canadian. There, together they raised their two sons. In the midst of family life, though, she was actively studying the process of writing fiction.

Her first novel, Shadow on the Crown, about the 11th-century queen of England, Emma of Normandy, was published in 2013. Also, its sequel, The Price of Blood, appeared in 2015. Her Emma of Normandy Trilogy, The Steel Beneath the Silk, will be published on March 2, 2021.

Patricia lives with her husband in Oakland, California. Look for her on Facebook at… and on Instagram as Patabrace.

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The Steel Beneath the Silk Review:

The Steel Beneath the Silk” was a wonderful ending to the series. The book was by far my favorite out of all of them.

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Firstly, the author did a brilliant job in setting the pace with the storylines and the characters. There is so much in the tale! I loved how the author did a brilliant job in the emotions of the characters. There are also moments of gripping adventure, for instance, when Athelstan and Edward fight the Danes. There is treachery, betrayal, and revenge as the story progresses to a gripping climax.

Moreover, the characters highlight the series, but the author took them to another level in this book. Elgiva is a fascinating character, and I loved the emotions she went through. She goes through many emotions and never faced a dull moment. At times she is devious, as she plants seeds of doubt with Cnut against his father. But, she also shows fear when she hears of Tyra’s premonitions. I also found her hilarious when she deals with Gunnhild back in Denmark.

Similarly, even Emma shines in the story. My heart went out to her when she longs for Edward to show her some affection. One of the highlights is when Emma receives the ring from Athelstan. Also, I loved her scenes with Cnut and her bravery towards the climax. Moreover, one person who surprised me was Edmund. He is a gray character who you don’t know how he will react.

Then there are characters you love to hate, like Eadric. However, I wished we had seen more of Edyth. She does not appear much except in a few scenes to annoy Emma, and I thought she had potential.

Apart from that, this was the perfect ending to “The Emma of Normandy Trilogy,” and I loved it!


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away two paperback copies of The Steel Beneath the Silk!

The giveaway is open to the US only and ends on March 30th. You must be 18 or older to enter.


Book Tour Schedule:

The Steel Beneath the Silk

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Steel Beneath the Silk by Patricia Bracewell Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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