You Were Made For Me by Jenna Guillaume

You Were Made For Me

You Were Made For Me by Jenna Guillaume

Release: April 1st, 2021
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Peachtree Publishing Company
Source: Publisher
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N.



YA author Jenna Guillaume is back with a fun and modern feminist twist on the 1985 pop cult film Weird Science.

Sixteen-year-old Katie Camilleri can’t believe her accidental creation of a teenage boy. A boy six feet tall with floppy hair and eyes like the sky on a clear summer’s day. A boy whose lips taste like cookie dough and whose skin smells like springtime. Also, a boy completely devoted to Katie. But silly musings and kitchen antics with her best friend, Libby, have definitely taken a whimsical twist. It has turned into something bigger than Katie could have ever daydreamed. It turns out the consequences of fumbling a human being into existence have more complications. More importantly, does Guy, the golden Adonis Katie’s created, like her because he wants to, or because he has to? And will he be Katie’s very first kiss?

From the author of What I Like About Me comes a hilarious feminist twist on a classic narrative. It is full of laughs, mishaps, and plenty of the 80s and 90s pop-culture callbacks. Jenna Guillaume’s entertaining romantic comedy novel features a humorous and relatable voice and will appeal to fans of Jenny Han.

About the Author:

Jenna Guillaume is a journalist and author who grew up in Wollongong and now lives in Sydney.

By day, Jenna writes about essential things like pop culture, identity, feminism, social media, and her fave OTPs for BuzzFeed, Junkee, The Sydney Morning Herald, and The Guardian. By night she writes Young Adult fiction, binges Netflix, and spends far too much time on Twitter.

Previously, Jenna was editor-at-large for BuzzFeed Australia and featured editor at Girlfriend magazine.

Her debut young adult novel What I Like About Me is out now.

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You Were Made For Me Review:

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You Were Made For Me” is an adorable story of what happens when your wishes come true but don’t make you feel satisfied.

The author vibrantly wrote the characters, and it was fun reading all of Katie’s escapades. Katie was delightful in the lead. As Theo and Libby tell her, she loves having drama in her life, even if she has the perfect guy. Theo and Katie are adorable, and I loved their friendship. Similarly, even Libby is exciting, and I liked her backstory and her struggles.

On the other hand, Mikayla is one of those people you love to hate. I despised her in the tale and also disliked Declan for sticking with her. The author tackled the topic of bullying nicely.

However, the character who stood out for me was Guy. He was wholly entertaining and made the book memorable with his reactions. Moreover, he is awkward and innocent yet has an electric charm about him. There are so many memorable moments, like when he sings for Katie in front of everyone or when he meets Katie’s family. The author does a brilliant job writing humor, and I found myself laughing a lot because of Guy. There is also a level of mystery around him, as you don’t know how the plot will progress and what will happen to his character. While I found parts of the story predictable, I had no clue how Guy’s character would conclude.

Overall, “You Were Made For Me” is the perfect book to pick up if you are in the mood for a sweet young adult romantic comedy that will put a smile on your face.

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