My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin

My Name Is Layla

My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin

Release: January 18, 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher:  TouchPoint Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



“Layla’s struggles at school and home are authentically depicted, and readers who face their own challenges will relate.” -School Library Journal.

The school will never be the same.

On the first day of eighth grade, thirteen-year-old Layla has a pretty good idea of what’s in store for her. It is going to be another year of awkward social situations, mediocre grades.  And teachers who praise her good behavior but find her academic performance disappointing. However, Layla feels certain she’s capable of more. But each time she tries to read or write, the words on the page dance and spin, changing partners and leaving her helpless.

This year will be different in ways way beyond Layla’s predictions. Her new English teacher, Mr. McCarthy, senses her potential. When he pushes her to succeed, Layla almost rises to the challenge before making a desperate choice that almost costs her all her gains. But, will she be able to get back on track? And who can she count on to help her?

About the Author:

Reyna Marder Gentin grew up in Great Neck, New York. She attended college and law school at Yale. For many years, she practiced as an appellate attorney with a public defender’s office before turning to write full time.

Reyna has studied at the Writing Institute at Sarah Lawrence College. Also, her work has been published widely online and in print.

Her debut novel, UNREASONABLE DOUBTS, was a finalist for the Women’s Fiction Writers Association Star Award in 2019. Also, her first novel for children, MY NAME IS LAYLA, is due out in January 2021, and Reyna’s latest novel, BOTH ARE TRUE, is due for publishing in October 2021. Reyna lives with her family in Scarsdale, New York. To learn more, please visit

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My Name Is Layla Review:

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My Name Is Layla” is a beautiful middle-grade novel that talks about facing your troubles and boosting your confidence with the help of family and friends.

The author did a beautiful job in narrating the tale. As someone who had trouble in school fitting in and feeling inferior to others, I could very much relate to Layla. She does not look forward to studies because she figures she won’t excel in any of them. I enjoyed how the author tackled various issues that middle-graders go through as they progress in school and the multiple outlets to resolve them.

Moreover, the author also wrote the supporting characters nicely. Layla has a close-knit of friends with Liza and Sammy, who support her no matter what. Liza and Sammy shine on their own, and it was beautiful to see how far they would go to protect her. Similarly, even Nick adds nicely to the storyline, where we see him facing his demons when he faces the injury. In particular, I would have loved if the author had provided a resolution on Nick’s storyline, as the plot focused mainly on Layla.

Mr. McCarthy was another favorite of mine. And I wished I had a teacher like him when I was in school. He makes the subjects exciting, and I felt like reading a few works by Robert Frost after reading this tale. He takes time to get to know the student’s personalities. And he blends the teaching style that would benefit them. I think this is a beautiful approach and hope more teachers follow the same.

Overall, “My Name Is Layla” is a short and sweet novel that I feel a reader of any age would enjoy and appreciate.

Book Tour Schedule:

My Name Is Layla

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the My Name Is Layla by Reyna Marder Gentin Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.


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