Into the quiet

Into the Quiet (The Cupid’s Fall #2) by Beth C. Greenberg

Release: May 4th, 2021 
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Isotopia Publishing
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N



A marriage on the brink of collapse, a friendship stretched to the breaking point, and the tormented god desperately trying to save them all.

Cupid’s punishment is far from over, and the stakes are higher than ever. When Aphrodite inflames her son’s heart for Ruthie – a sweet, vulnerable, married Worthy – Cupid’s divine duty sets him on a crash course with the matrimonial laws of mortals. But his problems don’t end there.

Seeking relief from his crushing loneliness, Cupid unwittingly damages his relationship with Pan, his best friend, and lifeline. Meanwhile, high above the mortal realm, Aphrodite bargains away her own son’s freedom in a brazen scheme to impress her fiery lover.

Book 2 of the Cupid’s Fall series draws the tormented God of Love Into the Quiet of a neglected marriage, a fractured friendship, and a mother’s silence.

About the Author:

Beth C. Greenberg is a former CPA who took a sharp turn into creative writing after a midlife awakening. Getting her start in fanfiction, Beth discovered a love for bending canon, which she has gleefully applied to the already-quirky cast of immortal characters from Greek mythology. Also, First Quiver is her debut novel and book, one of the Cupid’s Fall series.

Raised in the Midwest, Beth now lives in a quiet suburb of Boston, where her daughter and grand-dog Slim occasionally visit her and her husband. Into the Quiet is book two of Cupid’s Fall series. 

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Into the Quiet Review:

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“Into the Quiet” is the second book in “The Cupid’s Fall” series and turned out to be equally entertaining.

Firstly, I felt this was the perfect book to complement the first book, “First Quiver.” The author kept the book’s tone consistent with the series and made the storyline different from the first book. In this one, Cupid falls in love with a married woman Ruthie and has to fight his feelings to do the right thing. Once again, the author beautifully blends humor with romance, and it was entertaining to see how Cupid responds to certain situations. Moreover, the author took the story to another level, where we see major drama between Pan and Cupid and Aphrodite and Hephaestus. I did not expect this and thought it added well to the mix.

Like book one, Cupid and Pan are lovely in the role, and I enjoyed the newbies Ruthie and Zach. The characters’ dynamics are realistic, and it was interesting to see which direction the story would turn.  Cupid has sizzling chemistry with Ruthie, but he needs to do the opposite to reunite her with Zach. There is also a bit of drama when Joan comes into the picture. The author keeps you on your toes because you don’t know what decision Zach would take.

Also, can we talk about the ending, please? The author SHOOK me with the fantastic climax that makes me want to read the next book yesterday! Oh my god! I don’t think I have ever jumped from my seat reading the ending to a book recently, and THIS.BOOK.DID.IT.FOR.ME!

Overall, I loved reading “Into the Quiet” and eagerly await the author’s next book!

Book Tour Schedule

Into the quiet

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Into the Quiet (The Cupid’s Fall #2) by Beth C. Greenberg Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours



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