In the Shadow of the Cities by Laurel Solorzano

In the Shadow of the Cities

In the Shadow of the Cities by Laurel Solorzano

Release: July 13th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Morgan James Fiction
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo, TBD,



Scarlett would never kill her best friend, perhaps a Citizen, if the situation called for it, but never Rhys. There are quite a few rules in the training center, but a few are the kind that no one broke.

1. No one sends Greens into Cities without official promotion to Blues
2. Blues don’t kill each other.

So the question is how Scarlett is going into a City without the proper training? And why does a bizarre, elderly male say Scarlett will kill Rhys? In The Shadow of the Cities details Scarlett’s life in the training center before she is pulled unexpectedly into City life. Without the proper training, she has confusion about these things called “families” and why the Citizens aren’t grateful that she is keeping them safe.

In this dystopian novel, In the Shadow of the Cities, the story is told not from a Citizen’s point of view but a Guard’s. Why do the guards seem to obey the government tirelessly? How can they gun down Citizens mercilessly? Find out as you follow Scarlett on her journey into the Cities.

About the Author:

Laurel Solorzano has enjoyed writing since middle school, exchanging manuscripts for years with her best friend. Also, after traveling the globe for a time, Laurel set her goal to become a published author. As she works teaching English and Spanish, she writes stories in her free time. Laurel currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with her husband, Yader.

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In the Shadow of the Cities Review:

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Right from the get-go, “In the Shadow of the Cities” felt different from other dystopian reads.

Scarlett brings the story to life. You wouldn’t think that an average guard like her, whose sole purpose is to protect, would drive this story, but she does it well. She is naive and confused yet enthusiastic to take on a new role in a new place. I enjoyed her dynamics with the team, particularly with Rhys and Devon. The author also adds some shady characters like Darlin and Kendrick. You never know their true intentions, and you feel bad for Scarlett getting involved with them. There are also other characters like Malak and Phan who add nicely to the plot.

As soon as she gets the opportunity to move to City 6, she senses something suspicious. Yet, that doesn’t stop her from being fascinated with the lifestyle and how people live there. I enjoyed the initial scenes where she interacts with the groups and learns about life in City 6. It was also interesting to see how Scarlett and her friends found the society (very similar to ours) different and unique. It made me question few things and want to know more about the dystopian environment where Scarlett grew up. Some of the highlights of the tale were when she learns about babies and when she meets Arwic. Moreover, the author ends the story in a shocking cliffhanger that makes you want to pick the next book up immediately and start reading.

Overall, “In the Shadow of the Cities” is a thrilling dystopian novel that stands apart from others, and I enjoyed reading it.


3 winners will receive an eBook of IN THE SHADOWS OF THE CITIES (gifted via Amazon), International.

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In the Shadow of the Cities

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on In the Shadow of the Cities by Laurel Solorzano Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Tour Schedule:
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Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-5-31-2021
Lady Hawkeye-Excerpt-6-1-2021
@kellyatx-Instagram Post-6-1-2021
YA Books Central-Excerpt-6-2-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-Excerpt-6-2-2021
Reading Under the Covers -Review-6-3-2021
Jotted by Jena-Excerpt-6-3-2021
FrayedBooks-Instagram Post-6-4-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-6-5-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Post-6-5-2021
@pagesofyellow -Review/Instagram Post-6-6-2021
The Keysmash Blog-Review-6-6-2021
barbs_bookland -Review/Instagram Post-6-6-2021

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