The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass

The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass

The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass by Anna Priemaza

Release: November 9th, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Amulet Books
Source: NetGalley
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, Kobo



A mind-bending YA novel about a world where everyone has a bit of magic in them—but  using some magic to change the world in unspeakable ways

Vera has a nagging feeling that she forgets something. Not her keys or her homework—something bigger. Or someone. When she discovers her best friend Riven is experiencing the same strange feeling, they set out on a mission to uncover what’s going on. Everyone in Vera’s world has a special ability—a little bit of magic that helps them through the day. Perhaps someone’s ability is interfering with their memory? Or is something altering their very reality? Vera and Riven intend to fix it and get back whatever or whomever they’ve lost. But how do you find the truth when you can’t even remember what you’re looking for in the first place?

 The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass is a cleverly constructed, heartbreaking, and compelling contemporary YA novel with a slight fantasy twist about memory, love, grief, and the invisible bonds that tie us to each other.

About the Author:

Anna Priemaza grew up next to a field of cows in a town with horse-and-buggy parking at 100% of the town’s two stores. She spent her days lying in a hammock under her tree fort, devouring book after book, and her nights watching her siblings play video game after video game.

For university, she moved to a city on a lake, where she studied literature and walked to her classes with her face in a book, and was somehow miraculously never hit by a car.

She moved across the country to an even bigger city for law school, where she learned to knit and fell in love with the new city called Edmonton, Alberta. So, she settled in and wrote a book set there. 

So now, Anna is a young adult author, lawyer, and university instructor in Edmonton, Alberta, where she lives with her husband and a head full of characters. She can never quite remember how old she is, as she knits like an old lady, practices law like an adult, fangirls over YouTubers like a teen, and dreams like a child.

Lauren Abramo represents Anna at DG&B Literary Management.

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The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass Review:

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Wow, “The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass” turned out to be a Young adult book that took me on a mind trip. When I started reading this book, I had no idea it would end up being so profound and eerie.

Firstly, I applaud the author for coming up with such a creative story. Unlike any other young adult book I have read, this book made me think about our lives and existence. Mostly, the story made me realize how people perceive us. For instance, if people don’t notice us and stamp our presence, does that mean we start to disappear? Furthermore, the author keeps you guessing as to what is happening. Is Vera suffering from a mental health issue? Is there something supernatural happening? There are also some shocking twists, like what Vera sees in the graveyard. I also loved the references to “Doctor Who” and the concept of time travel and a parallel universe.

Speaking of Vera, I enjoyed the way the author wrote her. She knows something is happening to her (and the people around her), but she does not know why. I loved the way she starts to investigate and figure out what is happening. I also enjoyed her friendship with Riven. Moreover, I thought the author wrote all the characters distinctively.

However, it took me a few chapters into the story to get invested in it. Nothing much happens in the first few pages except Vera feeling that something is wrong. However, the story took off brilliantly once Vera goes to the graveyard. From then on, the story was a rollercoaster ride.

Overall, “The Forgotten Memories of Vera Glass” is a creative and gripping Young Adult fantasy novel worth checking out.

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