Going Wild by Brittany Geragotelis

Going Wild

Going Wild by Brittany Geragotelis

Release: August 3, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Pixel+ink
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it atGoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBDBookshop.org



In this upper middle grade series, a pre-teen international thief turns over a new leaf (sort of) to right societal wrongs in her snooty new town. For Frankie, using her less-than-legal set of skills to pull a heist against a crooked real estate mogul with the help of her new friend Ollie was super gratifying, but she’s getting restless now. In the second book in the series, the potentially reformed thief dives into the dangerous and political world of trafficking exotic animals. Frankie and Ollie hear that there’s a dangerous exotic animal farm supplying Greenwich’s elite with lions and tigers and bears. Feeling an instant kinship with the endangered creatures locked away in their cages, Frankie makes it her mission to find the perpetrators, free the beautiful beasts, and ensnare the bad guys in a trap of her own.

About the Author:

Brittany Geragotelis is living the dream. After 10 years of rejection from the publishing industry, she began to post her original novel, Life’s a Witch, on the online writing site, Wattpad, hoping that others would enjoy reading her book. A year after the first upload, the book had received 19 million reads, which caught the attention of Publisher’s Weekly, The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

After building up some buzz in the industry, she hooked up with her agents who instantly received interest from publishers and movie/tv producers. Within weeks, Life’s a Witch went into auction between four major publishing houses, and in the end Brittany landed a 3-book deal with publishing powerhouse, Simon & Schuster.

When she’s not writing, Brittany is obsessing over celebrities, TV shows, movies, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, gluten-free food and, of course, books! Brittany lives in NYC with her boyfriend and her two cats, Murray and Cohen. 

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Going Wild Review:

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“Going Wild” is the second book in “The Infamous Frankie Lorde” series and an excellent continuation to the first book. I adored this book so much more than the first one.

Firstly, I loved how the author gave more layers to Frankie in the tale, where we got to see her vulnerable side. The scene where she meets her father in prison is one of the highlights. Moreover, we have more sides to Ollie as he shares some personal facts about his life and proves how much Frankie means to him. The story was not just plot-based, and I appreciate the author’s focus on the character’s personality.

But, the plot was also equally exciting. In this book, Frankie and Ollie are on another mission. This time they have to help steal a small zoo of dangerous exotic animals. It sounds far-fetched, but it works well in the story as Frankie tries to infiltrate the twin’s sinister plans. Even the villains are well written and better than Christian from the first book. The author paces the story wonderfully, which leads towards an exciting climax.

Frankie and Ollie are a fantastic duo, and I cannot get enough of them. Some parts had me laughing out loud, especially when Ollie takes Frankie’s diary and adds his entry criticizing her. I loved the way the author told the story through Frankie’s journal entries. I hope we get to see many more books in this series because I love both of them.

Overall, “Going Wild” is a brilliant continuation of the series, and I enjoyed this one more than “Stealing Greenwich.”


Giveaway Details:

3 winners will win a finished copy of GOING WILD, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Going Wild

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Going Wild by Brittany Geragotelis Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Kait Plus Books-Guest Post-7-26-2021
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Guest Post-7-26-2021
BookHounds YA -Excerpt-7-27-2021
BookHounds-Instagram Post-7-27-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-7-28-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Post-7-28-2021
More Books Please blog-Review-7-29-2021
More Books Please blog-Instagram Post-7-29-2021
The Phantom Paragrapher-Review-7-30-2021
The Phantom Paragrapher-Instagram Post-7-30-2021

Week Two:
Living in a Bookworld-Excerpt-8-2-2021
Lifestyle of Me-Review-8-2-2021
Books and Zebras -Review-8-3-2021
Midnightbooklover-Instagram Post-8-3-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-8-4-2021
The Momma Spot-Instagram Post-8-4-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Guest Post-8-5-2021
Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-8-5-2021
Fire and Ice-Review-8-6-2021
Two Points of Interest-Review-8-6-2021

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