The Plentiful Darkness

The Plentiful Darkness by Heather Kassner

Release: August 3, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at :  GoodreadsAmazonKindle, B&N, iBooksKobo,



In Heather Kassner’s spine-chilling fantasy novel, reminiscent of Serafina and the Black Cloak, an orphaned girl chases a thieving boy into a magician’s land of starless, moonless gloom where other children have gone missing before her.

Though the darkness is indeed plentiful, this book gleams with an eerie magic, its characters burning bright and fierce. A visual treat of a tale. –Stefan Bachmann, international bestselling author of Cinders and Sparrows

In order to survive on her own, twelve-year-old Rooney de Barra collects precious moonlight, which she draws from the evening sky with her (very rare and most magical) lunar mirror. All the while she tries to avoid the rival roughhouse boys, and yet another, more terrifying danger: the dreaded thing that’s been disappearing children in the night.

When Trick Aidan, the worst of the roughhouse boys, steals her lunar mirror, Rooney will do whatever it takes to get it back. Even if it means leaping into a pool of darkness after it swallows Trick and her mirror. Or braving the Plentiful Darkness, a bewitching world devoid of sky and stars. Or begrudgingly teaming up with Trick to confront the magician and unravel the magic that has trapped Warybone’s children. 

About the Author:

Heather Kassner loves thunderstorms, hummingbirds, and books. She lives with her husband in Arizona, waiting (and waiting and waiting) for the rain, photographing hummingbirds, and reading and writing strange little stories. Her cats are always sure to be curled up nearby. Her first novel, The Bone Garden, debuted on August 6, 2019 from Holt/Macmillan. The Forest of Stars released on August 4, 2020, and The Plentiful Darkness will follow on August 3, 2021.

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The Plentiful Darkness Review:

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“The Plentiful Darkness” is what I would describe as the perfect middle-grade fantasy novel, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. This book is ideal for the genre because the author beautifully balances all the elements for the targeted audience. On the one hand, we have fantasy elements like magic and shadows, and witches. Whereas, on the other hand, we have a heartfelt tale of friendship, loss, and sacrifice. I went through all kinds of emotions as I read this tale, from fear and excitement to awe and joy.

I loved the world that the author created. Rooney is adorable in the lead, and I adored Monty too. I never thought I would read a book where I would root for a group of rats. I felt like I was by her side as she searches for her mirror, which leads her to another adventure. There is also the mystery about the Magician and how Rooney fits into the plans. The author created a fun and enticing story that I feel a reader of any age group would enjoy.

Also, while I loved the fantasy elements, I loved the message the author portrayed. Firstly, there is the dynamic between Rooney, Bridget, and Trick. In the beginning, we see how Bridget and Trick bully Rooney over the mirror. Yet, as the story progresses, you see how they put their feelings aside and become friends for the greater good. It was so interesting to see the shift in the relationship between the characters. Even other characters like Devin and Sorka are memorable.

Overall, “The Plentiful Darkness” is a charming middle-grade fantasy with a lovely message, and it is one of my favorite middle-grade fantasy novels I read this year.

Book Tour Schedule

The Plentiful Darkness

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Plentiful Darkness by Heather Kassner Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours

Week One:
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-8-3-2021
Polish And Paperbacks-Review-8-5-2021
Books and Zebras @jypsylynn-Review-8-6-2021

Week Two:
The Momma Spot-Review-8-9-2021
Do You Dog-ear?-Review-8-10-2021
The Bookwyrm’s Den-Review-8-11-2021
Eli to the nth-Review-8-13-2021

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