Hunt the Storm by Cassie Swindon

Hunt the Storm

Hunt the Storm by Cassie Swindon

Release: August 1, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Cassie Swindon
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazonKindle



Raelyn Bell’s journey started in “Break the Stone,” the first novel in the Golden Chains series. After following the puzzle pieces and escaping dangerous threats, she discovered that her Ma has been alive all these years.

But learning that information came at a cost. In “Hunt the Storm,” Raelyn travels across the world to a desert with the goal to bring her Ma home. While dealing with the grief of what she had already lost, Raelyn pushes people away, including her boyfriend, Kody, who only wants to help and support her. An evil overlord in this foreign land stands in her way of saving Ma. Will Raelyn ever find the parent connection she has always searched for? Will her and Kody last through the obstacles they face in the desert?

About the Author:

Cassie a fiction Indie author with three novels launching in May 2021, August 2021, November 2021. She lives in Raleigh, NC with her husband, two kids and somehow…4 cats. So, she’s surrounded by fur, legos, Disney music, costumes, and goldfish crackers. If she’s not writing or reading, she’s hiking, kickboxing or crafting.

Here are some titbits:

  • Met husband freshman year of college- a blizzard & tequila may have been involved
  • Moved to Raleigh by the flip of a coin
  • Mutated into a zombie when daughter was born in 2013, then again 17 months later for son
  • Cofounded a three-person Beanie Baby Club in the 90s, in a treehouse
  • Completed her first fiction read in 1992, “The Pig Can Jig”

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Hunt the Storm Review:

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Wow! I adored “Break the Stone” and wondered if the continuation would be equally good. There are very few books where I get blown away by the sequel compared to the previous book, and I loved “Hunt the Storm.” If you liked the first book, you would love this one!

The author ups the game and directly swings into action right from page one. She fills the story with action, adventure, romance, thrills, and chills. There are so many memorable moments from Kody at the Spiral, along with Cali’s storyline and Raelyn’s complicated relationship with her mother. I particularly enjoyed that because it didn’t go as smoothly as I thought it would. The author also ends the story with a shocking climax that makes me eagerly await to read the next book.

Raelyn and Kody bring in their game in this book, just like the first one. Moreover, the author also spices up the romance as she introduces Phoenix into Raelyn’s life. The chemistry that the two shares are complicated yet sizzling. More than Raelyn, I liked Kody a lot in this book. The author wrote his emotions beautifully, especially the conflicting feelings he has to do the right thing. Kody goes through some harsh moments, and I loved his strength and persistence. Similarly, I also found Quincy to be fascinating.

However, I feel that this is one of those books that you cannot read as a standalone. You can, but you wouldn’t get the full impact of its awesomeness. I highly recommend you read “Break the Stone” before reading this book.

Overall, “Hunt the Storm” is an excellent continuation of the “Golden Chains” series and surpassed my expectations.

Giveaway details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours, International.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hunt the storm

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hunt the Storm by Cassie Swindon Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
BookHounds YA -Excerpt-8-7-2021
BookHounds-Instagram Post-8-7-2021

Week Two:
Review Thick And Thin-Review-8-8-2021
@review_thick_and_thin-Instagram Post-8-8-2021
Living in a Bookworld-Excerpt-8-9-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-8-10-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Instagram Post-8-10-2021
Books a Plenty Book Reviews-Review-8-11-2021
TLC Book Nook-Excerpt-8-12-2021
Lifestyle of Me-Review-8-13-2021
Jaimerockstarbooktours-Instagram Post-8-14-2021

Week Three:
The Momma Spot-Excerpt-8-15-2021
Reveal + Review-Review-8-16-2021
Fire and Ice-Review-8-17-2021
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Excerpt-8-18-2021
bookreviewvirginialee-Instagram Post-8-18-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-8-19-2021

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