Then Came the Thunder by Rachael Huszar

Then Came the Thunder

Then Came the Thunder by Rachael Huszar

Release: July 2nd 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Rachael Huszar
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Jessalyn Joy loves her husband, but she can’t help the feelings that arose when he volunteered for the Union army. When he comes back to her in a box instead of on his feet, those feelings complicate even more.

Jessalyn’s mourning period is cut short when something begins to attack the livestock in their small town, and greater dangers begin to threaten their provincial life. Thrown together with the new reverend, one of her own students, and a strange man somehow related to her husband’s passing, Jessalyn must find a way to stop the evils that threaten her husband’s first and ultimately last home.

Set in the Southwestern home front, Huszar blends a taste of fantasy into a startling down-to-earth world, creating a high stakes adventure for this strong female protagonist and her band of amateur sleuths.

About the Author:

Rachael Huszar kept her life steeped in stories from a young age, and she began her own journey in story-making when she reached adulthood. In the time since, she has taken up swimming, roller skating, and consuming tabletop RPG streams. She spends the bulk of her time with her dog, Silo, and works full time as a designer in Dallas, Texas

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Then Came the Thunder Review:

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“Then Came the Thunder” is a beautiful historical fiction novel that I did not want to end because it was splendid.

You pick up some books that immediately connect with you, and this book was one of them. The author did a beautiful job with this novel, where she included a bit of everything. There is a touch of mystery and a dash of drama that surrounds a group of memorable characters. For me, more than anything else, it was how the author conveyed the main characters’ emotions.

Jessalyn and Sam are fantastic in the lead, and I loved the bond they share. Initially, they don’t get along well, mainly because of how he teases her regarding Amos. But, you can see how their dynamics towards each other start to change once they spend more time. Interestingly, the author doesn’t directly push the two into a romance, which I admire, because that would have strayed from the story’s tone. I cherished many moments, like when Sam tends to Charley Templeton or the scenes with Lilah and Sam with Buccaneer.

Similarly, the author also wrote the characters realistically, and my favorite was Jessalyn. My heart went out to her as she wondered what happened to Amos or when she reads his letters. It was interesting to see the dynamic between Sam and Jessalyn, with Amos in the picture. Even the supporting characters like Lilah and Roger complemented the plot so nicely. Of course, there is also the mystery behind the livestock, and I felt the author perfectly balanced these elements.

Overall, “Then Came the Thunder” is an excellent start to the series, and I am excited to read its continuation!


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Then Came the Thunder

Then Came the Thunder

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Then Came the Thunder by Rachael Huszar Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


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