Leisha’s Song by Lynn Slaughter

Leisha's Song

Leisha’s Song by Lynn Slaughter

Release: June 22nd 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
Source: RABT Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N, Kobo , Smashwords



Leisha knows something’s wrong. Her beloved vocal coach at boarding school would never have resigned and disappeared like this in the midst of preparing her prize students for a major vocal competition. Leisha’s determined to find her, make sure she’s okay.

Cody, a sensitive cellist, insists on helping her. Sparks fly, clues multiply, and romance blossoms, despite the disapproval of their families.

Leisha’s desire to be with Cody and pursue music rather than medicine puts her on a direct collision course with her African-American grandfather, the only parent she’s ever had. But an even more immediate threat looms– because, as Leisha draws closer to the truth about her teacher’s disappearance, she puts her own life in grave danger.

About the Author:

Lynn Slaughter is addicted to the arts, chocolate, and her husband’s cooking. Following a long career as a professional dancer and dance educator, she earned her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.

She’s the author of four young adult novels: LEISHA’S SONG; IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU, a Silver Falchion finalist; WHILE I DANCED an EPIC finalist; and DEADLY SETUP (forthcoming from Fire and Ice, 2022). Her short story, “Missed Cue,” appears in Malice Domestic’s 2020 anthology, MURDER MOST THEATRICAL. The mother of two grown sons and besotted grandmother of five, she lives in Louisville, Kentucky where she is at work on her next novel and serves as president of Derby Rotten Scoundrels, her local chapter of Sisters in Crime…

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Leisha’s Song Review:

“Leisha’s Song” is an entertaining young adult mystery with a touch of romance, and I enjoyed it a lot.

Firstly, I liked the setting of the story. This book is the first one I read where the story took place amidst a vocal competition in a boarding school. It was interesting to read about how the students prepared for the competition in the boarding school. The author also wrote the mystery nicely, where Leisha tries to figure out what happened to her.

The highlight of the story, though, was the romance between Leisha and Cody. Since they are an interracial couple, whom the family doesn’t approve of, it was interesting to see how they managed to be together. I adored Cody and thought the author wrote him very well. Even Leisha is outstanding in the lead, as she does not let anything stop her from investigating Mrs. Wells. The author also adds some suspenseful moments, like when Leisha goes through the cabinets of the Personnel files hoping to find something. Frankly, I liked the romance angle of the tale more than the mystery.

However, I would have liked more twists and turns to the story. It felt as though there were only two or three prime suspects to Ms. Wells’s disappearance, and the author toggled between them. While I enjoyed how the author resolved the story, it would have been nice if the story had more surprises.

Apart from that, I thought this was a decent Young Adult mystery romance. Overall, “Leisha’s Song” is a lovely young adult book to pick up if you love the genre and are in the mood for a captivating mystery romance.


Leisha's Song

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Leisha’s Song by Lynn Slaughter Blog Tour hosted by RABT Book Tours

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