Seven Clues to Home by Gae Polisner and Nora Raleigh Baskin

Seven Clues to Home

Seven Clues to Home by Gae Polisner and Nora Raleigh Baskin
Release: June 9, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Knopf Books
Source: Netgalley


Joy Fonseca is dreading her 13th birthday, dreading being reminded again about her best friend Lukas’s senseless death on this day, one year ago—and dreading the fact he may have heard what she accidentally blurted to him the night before. Or maybe she’s more worried he didn’t hear.

Eitherway, she’s decided: she’s going to finally open the first clue to their annual birthday scavenger hunt Lukas left for her the morning he died, hoping the rest of the clues are still out there. If they are, they might lead Joy to whatever last words Lukas wrote, and toward understanding how to grab onto the future that is meant to be hers.

Seven Clues to Home Review:

A BIG Thank You to Netgalley and Knopf Books for providing me an advanced reader’s copy of “Seven Clues to Home” for my review.

I rarely get emotional and teary-eyed whenever I am reading a story. I certainly never thought I would bawl at the end of a middle grade novel. But this book just had me hooked and touched my heart.

When I initially started reading this book, I really did not know what to expect. The story is a simple one of friendship and I didn’t know how it would turn out. The timelines are a bit confusing in the beginning, but after the first few chapters, you get a handle of what is happening. However, after those minor hiccups, everything fell into place and grabbed my attention. It covers some serious topics like grief, loss, death, friendship and family.

The authors did a wonderful job in narrating the story between the two characters. The main characters, Joy and Lukas are so adorable together. They are so innocent and lovable, even if the situations around them are not. I loved Lukas and how he treated Joy even though he didn’t have a proper life at home. I also loved Joy’s relationship with Natalia. Mr. Carter was adorable too and I wished I had a teacher like him growing up.

The whole concept of the scavenger hunt was also great! I kept guessing as to what the clues were at times. There are a few twists and turns that surprised me, but also made the book feel realistic. I really cannot complain about anything in this story; I loved every bit of it. The story is simple with a heart-warming plot with solid characters. It’s a book that makes you realize how precious our times with our friends and family are, and we have to make it memorable.

 Overall, I loved reading “Seven Clues to Home” . I feel is one of the best middle grade books I have read this year!

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