Changeling (The Oddmire #1) by William Ritter

Changeling (The Oddmire #1) by William Ritter

Changeling (The Oddmire #1) by William Ritter
Release: July 16th 2019
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
Source: Netgalley


Magic is fading from the Wild Wood. To renew it, goblins must perform an ancient ritual involving the rarest of their kind—a newborn changeling. But when the fateful night arrives to trade a human baby for a goblin one, something goes terribly wrong. After laying the changeling in a human infant’s crib, the goblin Kull is briefly distracted from his task. By the time he turns back, the changeling has already perfectly mimicked the human child. Too perfectly: Kull cannot tell them apart. Not knowing which to bring back, he leaves both babies behind.

Tinn and Cole are raised as human twins, neither knowing what secrets may be buried deep inside one of them. Then when they are twelve years old, a mysterious message arrives, calling the brothers to be heroes and protectors of magic. The boys must leave behind their sleepy town of Endsborough and risk their lives in the Wild Wood, crossing the perilous Oddmire swamp and journeying through the Deep Dark to reach the goblin horde and discover who they truly are.

William Ritter is an Oregon author and educator. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark.

The Oddmire is Ritter’s first series for middle-grade readers. He is also the author of the New York Times bestselling, award-winning Jackaby series for young adult readers.

Visit him online at
Twitter: @Willothewords.

Changeling Review:

A BIG Thank You to Netgalley and Algonquin Young Readers for providing me a copy of “Changeling” for my review.

What a fun read! The story-line is like reading a brand new Grimm’s fairy tale for the next generation! The concept is very unique and unlike anything I have read in a middle grade, fantasy novel. The story immediately hooked me and I wanted to find out what happened next. Also, the story is feels like a perfect blend of fantasy, humor, suspense, and feels wholesome.

The characters are wonderful! Cole and Tinn are adorable in their own way. They have contrasting personalities but go well together. Fable was the highlight of the story! I loved her personality and how she brought such an energy into the story. I also loved Annie Burton! Moreover, I thought it was great that the author made the mother such a prominent character. Usually, in such books, the parents don’t play an important role, and it is up to the kids to solve everything. However, Annie plays a pivotal role and does whatever she can to help her boys. Not only Annie, I also loved how the Witch of the Woods played an active part. She is such a complex character where you don’t know if she is good of evil.

The only reason I did not give it a full 5 star rating was because of the way it started. Honestly, when the tale opened, it was confusing for a bit. There are a lot of things that happen in the prologue and I couldn’t keep track of what was happening. However, as the twins grow up, this book is a roller-coaster ride. I loved reading it. On a side note, I also loved the illustrations on each chapter.

Overall, “Changeling” is a great start to “The Oddmire” series and I cannot wait to see how it progresses.

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