The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety

The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety

The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety by Wendy Tamis Robbins

Release: May 18th 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Made For Success Publishing 
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N



Are you ready to find your way out of your box?

There is a moment when you realize your life is no longer your own. You thought it would make you happy and whole. But the panic doesn’t pass, and the anxiety seeps in through every crack. Your pain uses perfection to hide the unraveling. But deep inside, you still hear the whisper of a voice that’s always been there, calling to you, promising that you were meant for more.

In The Box, Wendy Tamis Robbins offers a window into the mental illness of an all-star athlete, Ivy League-graduate, and successful attorney. At just 6 years old, Wendy’s first panic attack sparked a 40-year struggle with a variety of anxiety disorders: generalized, social and health, eating disorders, phobias, intrusive and suicidal thoughts, and dissociation. Avoiding anything that could trigger her symptoms, she retreats into a box to contain and hide her condition. After years of living in the prison she originally constructed as her safe place, Wendy is no longer willing to limit her life to accommodate her disorders.

Raw and powerful, vulnerable and intimate, The Box is both a triumphant memoir and an irresistible invitation. It portrays a courageous journey to find the source of a debilitating disorder in order to find the power to overcome it. Wendy’s experience reminds us of the redemptive power of forgiveness and the healing power of love, not just for others, but for ourselves. It is a story of courage that reframes mental illness sufferers as survivors.

About the Author:

Wendy Tamis Robbins is an attorney, author, speaker, anxiety coach, and self-proclaimed professional “panic-attacker.” After living with various anxiety and panic disorders for almost 40 years, she is now anxiety-free. Not because she is entirely free of anxiety, but because it no longer controls her. She has traded living in resistance for building resilience. Her fears now fuel a life not only beyond her diagnosis but beyond her dreams.

On her path to recovery, she discovered a restorative, inner peace and reclaimed her authentic power. She is passionate about helping others who are hiding their fears behind destructive perfectionism and accommodating their anxiety to find the same freedom.

When Wendy hit rock bottom, it was hearing other people’s stories that saved her life. Now she shares her own to be an example of what’s possible.

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The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety Review:

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I don’t read non-fiction as much as fiction, and when I first picked up this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I thought the book would be monotonous, with the author describing the various kinds of disorders of anxiety. Hence, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed reading the book.

The author provides detailed information about anxiety and how she handled it. She adds a lot of exciting details about disorders but also puts in her personal touch. From the beginning, I enjoyed the scenes, like when she looks at the stars to make sense of her feelings. It was interesting to read how simple things like having a sleepover or eating an extra morsel of food would cause the author to trigger a panic attack. Moreover, the author gets personal when she talks about her father and how his approval impacted her. I also learned the various disorders like depersonalization and derealization disorder which was fascinating.

As the story progressed, I was engrossed in how the author fought her battles. It was fascinating to see how the author came so close to having a positive spin to turn her life, but then something happened to throw her off, like using drugs as a crutch. I also liked how honest she was in how it impacted her relationship with people. The second half of the story is also equally gripping, and some of my favorite scenes are when she challenges herself to overcome her fears and goes skiing and how David pushes her. On a side note, I also appreciated how the author included beautiful quotations on the title of each chapter as an inspiration.

Overall, “The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety” turned out to be an eye-opener!

Book Tour Schedule:

The Box

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Box -An Invitation to Freedom from Anxiety by Wendy Tamis Robbins Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours

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