Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab

Breath Like Water

Breath Like Water by Anna Jarzab
Release: May 19th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkyard Press
Source: Amazon


Susannah Ramos has always loved the water. A swimmer whose early talent made her a world champion, Susannah was poised for greatness in a sport that demands so much of its young. But an inexplicable slowdown has put her dream in jeopardy, and Susannah is fighting to keep her career afloat when two important people enter her life: a new coach with a revolutionary training strategy, and a charming fellow swimmer named Harry Matthews.

As Susannah begins her long and painful climb back to the top, her friendship with Harry blossoms into passionate and supportive love. But Harry is facing challenges of his own, and even as their bond draws them closer together, other forces work to tear them apart. As she struggles to balance her needs with those of the people who matter most to her, Susannah will learn the cost—and the beauty—of trying to achieve something extraordinary.

Breath Like Water Review:

This was a very surprising read because I thought the book was ok in the first half, but LOVED it in the second half. Usually, most books that I read start off with a bang and maintain/lowers momentum as it progresses. Initially, “Breath Like Water” seemed ok when I started reading. The story has a nice premise but nothing much really happens in the first half. Don’t get me wrong. It felt like a decent story where two teens meet and fall in love. But, it seemed like the run of the mill contemporary romance book. However, I felt like the story picked up as soon as soon as Susannah learns of Harry’s secret. From then on, I couldn’t put the book down!

Moreover, I really loved the whole swimming/Olympics theme of the story. I really liked Susannah and Harry as the main characters. Susannah is focused on her goals, and it was fun to see how she juggles her relationship with Harry. Even though they have their own difficulties, I loved how they lifted each other during the tough times. The author highlighted their struggles beautifully and so realistically that you feel their pain. I also liked the supporting characters like Beth, Amber, Jessa and Nina. Dave is a character you love to hate! I really despised that he got away with treating people in his team that way. I wished Susannah or Beth has put him in his place more frequently in the story. On a side note, I wished we had seen more of Jessa as she seemed like a very interesting character.

Overall, “Breath Like Water” is one of those books that slowly grew on me, and went from ‘meh’ to ‘a-meh-zing’!

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