Starting Over At Sunset Cottage by Lisa Hobman

Starting Over At Sunset Cottage

Starting Over At Sunset Cottage by Lisa Hobman

Release: October 21, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Source: Netgalley
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&NKobo



Do you love someone enough to let them go?

It was love at first sight when talented art student Felicity “Flick” Johnston-Hart and Jim MacDuff’s worlds collided at Oxford University.

However, after years of blissful marriage, everything crashes down when their marriage comes to a painful and abrupt end, thanks to Flick’s interfering mother Penelope.

Finally succumbing to maternal pressure, Flick falls into the high-flying career her mother believed she was destined for.

However, she soon realises that she did not hope for a life life without Jim.  And that some of the decisions she could not undo either.

Meanwhile, Jim is settling back into life as a single man in the beautiful Highland village of Shieldaig, when an unexpected visitor brings painful news. A letter from beyond the grave leads him to do something he never imagined and takes him on a journey he didn’t anticipate.

Can either of them heal and truly move on?

Or is it true that a broken heart can never be a blank canvas?

The previous name of the published book was Through the Glass.

About the Author:

Lisa Hobman has written many brilliantly reviewed women’s fiction titles – the 
first of which was shortlisted by the RNA for their debut novel award. In 2012 Lisa 
relocated her family from Yorkshire to a village in Scotland and this beautiful 
backdrop now inspires her uplifting and romantic stories. Her first title for 
Boldwood Dreaming Under an Island Skye was published in February 2021.

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Starting Over At Sunset Cottage Review:

“Starting Over At Sunset Cottage” is a story about second chances, and I adored reading it.

The highlight of the story was Jim. Jim is the star of the show. Even though Flick doesn’t treat him well initially, he has nothing but good memories of her. Even when he has the chance to tell her off, he doesn’t. I loved how his love for Flick never faltered.

Moreover, I hardly read in contemporary novels about the bond between the main character and the father-in-law. I loved Jim’s close bond with Edgar even though Edgar is his ex-father-in-law. The moment he read Edgar’s letter touched my heart and was my favorite scene in the story.

I enjoyed the way the author wrote the plot. While parts of the story are predictable, you still wish to continue reading and discover what happens. The author also notes the story interestingly, where we go between the past and the present to find out what happened with Flick and Jim’s relationship. The author also adds some excitement into the storyline surrounding the forgery with Ella and Vitale in the picture and how it impacts Flick.

However, I was a bit skeptical about Flick’s character. While I enjoyed how the story turned out, I wouldn’t say I liked Flick that much. She seemed to be easily persuaded by what others told her, especially her mother. Also, I did not get a clear picture of why I saw a change in Penelope’s decisions. Had Flick been a stronger character to think for herself, I think I would have liked her more.

Overall, “Starting Over At Sunset Cottage” is still a charming contemporary romance to read.

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