A Girl From Forever by Yolanda McCarthy

A Girl From Forever by Yolanda McCarthy

Release: August 27th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently published
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle




The secretive Forever Institute towers over London. Some say it’s a cult. Others call it mafia. To seventeen-year-old Fern, Forever is simply home, run by the scientists who created her. A home she’s never been allowed to leave.

Forever gave Fern everything. A body that will never age. Psychic abilities, if she can work out how to access them. A purpose: Fern will be part of a new dawn for humanity, although she’s never been told exactly how.

Then Fern is contacted by a cryptic telepath from outside the Institute, and learns some dark truths that make her question everything she’s been taught. Children are being murdered, and Fern is in danger. But her new friend has secrets of his own…


About the Author:

Yolanda grew up in London, where she worked as a lawyer, a supermarket assistant, a civil servant, and at a cat shelter. Not in that order. Her work took her to California, Serbia, and Dubai, but her fondest memories are of Bermuda. (She’s still homesick for Bermuda. Especially the pink sands of Elbow Beach…)

She now lives in Kent with her husband and son, where she writes all kinds of speculative fiction. Sometimes she climbs mountains..

Website | Goodreads

A Girl From Forever Review:

“A Girl From Forever” was a gripping Young adult fantasy with action and adventure and was a thrilling read.

I enjoyed the way the author wrote this story. The author also adds something exciting in every chapter that makes you not want to put the book down. There were so many scenes where I was at the edge of my seat. Some such are when Fern gets hit in the jaw or when a man points a gun at her.

The author also wrote the characters wonderfully. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Fern in the lead as she tries to figure out what is happening. Imagine finding out that the people who created you had ulterior motives. The author wrote Fern and the concept of the Forever Institute very creatively, and I liked the idea of the Vol. Fern starts to suspect everything when she finds out that Forever is killing people for being Vol.

Moreover, the author also wrote the chemistry between Fern and Rehan nicely. While the two of them don’t start on the best, the author progressed their storyline seamlessly. Rehan was also quite complex, as I didn’t know if he was genuine or not. Some of my other favorite characters in the book were Anna and Lucas. I adored Fern’s scenes with Anna and how she feels obligated towards her. The author also wrote the supporting characters like Katina, Arlo, and Lia nicely.

The author also ends the story on a friendly note that makes you want to continue learning about the world of Forever. Overall, “A Girl From Forever” is an entertaining Young adult fantasy novel with surprising twists and a thrilling adventure.


Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the A Girl From Forever by Yolanda McCarthy Blog Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours

September 6th
Rants N Scribbles >> Excerpt
GaBooksLoverX >> Review
Don’t Judge, Read >> Review

September 7th
Suzy Turner  >> Guest Post
Candlelight Reading  >> Excerpt
Rincón de Joss / Joss’s Corner >> Guest Post
Read Your Writes Book Reviews >> Top 10 List

September 8th
Living in a Bookworld >> Excerpt
Rajiv’s Reviews >> Review
Books, Tea, Healthy Me >> Review

September 9th
Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books! >> Review
I’m Into Books  >> Excerpt
The Phantom Paragrapher >> Review

September 10th
Bookish Yarn >> Review
The Avid Reader  >> Review
Devouring Books >> Top 10 List


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