Mary Tudor Princess

Mary Tudor Princess (Brandon Trilogy #1) by Tony Riches

Release: February 1st 2018
Format: Paperback
Publisher:  Preseli Press
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Amazon UK



From the author of the international best selling Tudor Trilogy, the true story of the Tudor dynasty continues with the daughter of King Henry VII, sister to King Henry VIII. Mary Tudor watches her elder brother become King of England and wonders what the future holds for her.

Born into great privilege, Mary has beauty and intelligence beyond her years and is the most marriageable princess in Europe. Henry plans to use her marriage to build a powerful alliance against his enemies. Will she dare risk his anger by marrying for love?

Meticulously researched and based on actual events, this ‘sequel’ follows Mary’s story from book three of the Tudor Trilogy and is set during the reign of King Henry VIII

About the Author:Mary Tudor

Tony Riches is a full time writer and lives with his wife in  West Wales. After several successful non fiction books, Tony turned to novel writing and wrote ‘Queen Sacrifice’, set in 10th century Wales.  He wrote the next one ‘The Shell’, a thriller set in present day Kenya.

A specialist in the history of the early Tudors, he has become famous for his Tudor Trilogy. Tony’s other international best seller includes “Warwick  The Man Behind the Wars of the Roses” .

For more information please visit Tony’s website and his blog The Writing Desk

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Mary: Tudor Princess Review:

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“Mary: Tudor Princess” is a riveting historical fiction that depicts the life of Henry VIII’s sister, and I found her story fascinating.

I enjoyed how the author wrote the story. He tells the tale in a simple yet effective manner. I could immediately connect with Mary from the first page when she reacts to her grandmother’s situation. The author added many layers to her, and you see what a strong character becomes throughout the story. The author also paced the story nicely where you see the various situations Mary encounters. From experiencing what happens to Little Henry to overhearing the plot to overthrow the king, Mary shines in her role.

Even the supporting characters like Lady Catherine and Thomas Wolsey were interesting as they appeared unpredictable, but my opinion of them changed throughout the tale. Some of the memorable moments in the story were when King Francis demanded the return of the jewel or Mary’s scenes with King Louis. The author writes the tales in a beautiful manner that makes you want to research the history of the family post-reading.

One of the highlights of the story was Mary’s complicated relationship with her brother. While she admires him for the way he protects her, it was interesting to see how they did not share the same views, especially regarding the war with France. Another such highlight was her feelings towards Charles Brandon. The two of them share an incredible bond, and it was nice to see how they reconnected after a long time. Similarly, I adored Mary’s friendship with Jane and how Jane stood by her side when necessary.

Overall, I enjoyed reading “Mary: Tudor Princess” and look forward to reading the rest of the trilogy.


During the blog tour, 3 winners will receive a paperback copy of Mary-Tudor Princess or an eBook from the trilogy (winner’s choice).

The giveaway is open internationally and ends on September 30th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

Enter the Giveaway

Book Tour Schedule

Mary Tudor Princess

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Tudor Princess (Brandon Trilogy ) by Tony Riches Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



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