Brandon :Tudor Knight by Tony Riches


Brandon : Tudor Knight by Tony Riches

Release: December 3rd 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Preseli Press
Source: HFVirtual Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Amazon UK



From the author of the international best-selling Tudor Trilogy comes “Brandon : Tudor Knight”.

Handsome, charismatic and a champion jouster, Sir Charles Brandon is the epitome of a Tudor Knight. A favourite of King Henry VIII, Brandon has a secret. He has fallen in love with Henry’s sister, Mary Tudor, the beautiful widowed Queen of France, and risks everything to marry her without the King’s consent.

Brandon becomes Duke of Suffolk, but his loyalty is tested fighting Henry’s wars in France. Mary’s public support for Queen Catherine of Aragon brings Brandon into dangerous conflict with the ambitious Boleyn family and the king’s new right-hand man, Thomas Cromwell.

Torn between duty to his family and loyalty to the king, Brandon faces an impossible decision: can he accept Anne Boleyn as his new queen?

About the Author:

Tony Riches is a full time writer and lives with his wife in  West Wales. After several successful non fiction books, Tony turned to novel writing and wrote ‘Queen Sacrifice’, set in 10th century Wales.  Also, he wrote the next one ‘The Shell’, a thriller set in present day Kenya.

A specialist in the history of the early Tudors, he has become famous for his Tudor Trilogy. Tony’s other international best seller includes “Warwick  The Man Behind the Wars of the Roses” .

For more information please visit Tony’s website and his blog The Writing Desk.

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Brandon :Tudor Knight Review:

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“Brandon: Tudor Knight” is the second book in the Brandon Trilogy and was an excellent continuation of the series.

This book focuses on Brandon, and I found most of the book fascinating. While there are incidents that overlap with the first book, it was interesting to see the events from another person’s perspective. For instance, I felt we got more details to post Little Henry’s events or Thomas Knywett’s incident at the ship in this story. I also enjoyed the small moments, like Brandon’s complex relationship with Henry or the competition between Henry and King Francis. Even little moments, for instance, when they talk about the sweating sickness, engrossed me.

Similarly, I liked Brandon’s bond with Harry and Will. Some of my favorite moments were when Harry asked him to teach him how to joust. One character who I found mesmerizing was Anne Browne. Moreover, even though she makes a brief appearance in each book, she added a sense of drama and mystery to the tale. There were also moments which I felt the author wrote nicely compared to the first book, like the execution of Edward by Henry.

However, there were moments where I felt like I was reading the same passages from the first book, only from Brandon’s perspective. It would have been nice if the author had focused more on Brandon’s life before he met Mary so that we get to know him better. I would have also liked to read more insight between Brandon and Catherine as their relationship was interesting.

Overall, “Brandon” is a lovely continuation to the series, and I am excited to read the next book, “Katherine,” as my interest in the character has spiked from these two books.


During the blog tour, 3 winners will receive a paperback copy of Mary-Tudor Princess or an eBook from the trilogy (winner’s choice).

The giveaway is open internationally and ends on September 30th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Brandon : Tudor Knight (Brandon Trilogy ) by Tony Riches Blog Tour hosted by HFVirtual Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

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