Hold Me Down

Hold Me Down by Clea Simon

Release: October 5, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Polis Books
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



A riveting work of dark suspense from acclaimed author Clea Simon Gal, a middle-aged musician, is back in Boston to play a memorial for her late drummer/best friend, when she finds herself freezing on stage at the sight of a face in the crowd. The next day, she learns that the man she saw has been killed – beaten to death behind the venue – and her friend’s widower is being charged in connection with his death.

When the friend refuses to defend himself, Gal wonders why and, as the memories of begin to flood back, she starts her own informal investigation. As she does so, she must reexamine her own wild life, her perception of the past, and an industry that monetizes dysfunction in a dark tale of love, music, and murder.

About the Author:

Before turning to a life of crime (fiction), Clea Simon was a journalist. Starting as a rock critic, she ended up writing about books and other arts. A native of New York, she came to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University, from which she graduated with high honors, and never left. The author of three nonfiction books and seven mysteries, she lives with her husband, the writer Jon S. Garelick, and their cat, Musetta. She is the author of the Witch Cats of Cambridge mysteries from Polis Books: A Spell of Murder, An Incantation of Cats, and A Cat on the Case. You can find her online at @Clea_Simon..

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Hold Me Down Review:

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“Hold Me Down” is a suspense novel that showcases the chaotic lives of musicians, and I enjoyed reading it.

The first aspect that drew me to the story was the setting. I loved the whole atmosphere of the band concerts and musicians. The author depicts the life of the musicians and their journey to popularity wonderfully. Moreover, as the story includes a few deaths, I liked how the author seamlessly added a possible murder investigation. The author writes the story in a unique manner where you don’t know what will happen. The story toggles between the past and the present as Gal recounts their band during their golden years.

I also liked reading about the characters and felt the author portrayed them realistically. Gal, Aimee, TK, Walter, and Lina all bring something new to the table. I particularly liked the flashbacks between Gal and Aimee and how they take in their newfound success. The author does not shy from portraying the hardships of fame, and the band starts releasing hits. Moreover, as the story progresses, you see secrets, betrayals, and other shocking moments that change your perspective of the characters. Some moments truly shocked me, like the flashback with TK and the climax.

However, the only minor criticism of the story is how the plot takes time to set up the suspense. The book markets itself as a suspense novel, and I expected more from that perspective. While the story becomes suspenseful and gripping in the second half, the first half is more about the band and the drama that takes place (which I also enjoyed reading about).

Overall, “Hold Me Down” is a captivating novel and worth reading.

Book Tour Schedule

Hold Me Down

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Hold Me Down by Clea Simon Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours..

27th- Shooks Books-Sept
29th Love My Books 2020-Sept
29th – Rajivs Reviews-Sept
30th – She Just Loves Books-Sept
1st- The Bookish World of  YRRALH-Oct
6th – Bookish Heidi-Oct
12th – Joannas Bookshelf-Oct
22nd- Delightfully Booked-Oct
26th-Geaux Get Lit-Oct
26th- David L Morgan-Oct
27th- Subakka Bookstuff-Oct
27th -Rozier Reads and Wine-Oct
28th -Books Love And Understanding-Oct

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