Bare Lies

Bare Lies by Nick Rippington

Release:18th September 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Cabrilon Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Amazon UK, Kindle 



ENFORCER Chuck Dolan and his brother Sly are out to prove there’s a new gang in town.

But a raid on a drug rival’s nightclub goes tragically wrong. Then the two Boxer Boys flee to their granddad Billy’s villa on Spain’s Costa Blanca.

Their first impression of Billy is of an old man seeing out his days in the sun.  But it turns as shocker when he introduces them to his ‘his ‘business partners’  . One a murderous Colombian cartel boss and the other a sadistic former Irish paramilitary.

And though things look up for Chuck when ex-girlfriend Abby re-enters his life, Billy’s own relationships quickly turn sour and the prospect of a gang war on the Costas looms large.

As the brothers assess the threat, little do they realise there’s an even bigger danger hiding in Billy’s past. The  one which threatens their future, their loved ones and their very lives.

About the Author:

Nick Rippington is an award-winning author of gangland and psychological thrillers.

The first novel in his Boxer Boys series Crossing the Whitewash received an honourable mention in the genre category in the Writer’s Digest 2016 self-published eBook awards. Judges describing it as “Evocative, unique, unfailingly precise and often humorous”.

The prequel Spark Out  release was in July 2017 at the Books Go Social Dublin Writers’ Conference, winning a readers’ award from Chill With A Book and an IndieBrag Medallion. Readers felt it was “compelling” with an “unexpected twist”.
The final book in the trilogy Dying Seconds topped the Amazon Chart for Contemporary Urban Fiction giveaways with 350 downloads in two days. All three books are included in The Boxer Boys Collection, a digital box-set available on Amazon. It hit the top 20 in the Contemporary Urban Fiction category for paid-for titles.

Last year Nick released the psychological standalone thriller Rabette Run followed by a successful blog tour in April 2020. His latest book Bare Lies is a marks a return to the Boxer Boys series and is out on September 18, 2021.

A former Welsh sports editor of the News of the World, Nick now works on the Daily Star sports desk. He is married to Liz and has two daughters. Besides, he lives in London.

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Bare Lies Review:

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If I had to recommend a book filled with action, adventure, and something purely suited for male readers, it would be “Bare Lies” and the Boxer Boys series.

Even though I have not read the previous books in the series, I found this book exciting! There is so much happening in each chapter, and you don’t know what will happen next.

All the characters stand out, and I enjoyed reading what happened to them. Chuck and Sly share an incredible bond, and I love how they work together. There were many memorable moments to the tale, like Chuck reuniting with Abby or when Chuck guns on Marius. I was holding my breath at some scenes, especially the part with the grenade. Billy is also entertaining, and I liked how the author added different layers to him and Lucky. Similarly, even La Rana was electrifying, and you didn’t know what she would do.

What’s nice about the tale is how the author never writes a dull moment. There are quite a lot of emotions you will go through when reading the story. I was at the edge of my seat at times as Chuck chased the thief on the street. Some moments were also shocking and sad, like when we find out what happens to Alisha’s horses. The author also shocked me with some deaths that I honestly did not anticipate.

After reading this book, I want to read the entire series to see how it all started. The author has an impeccable talent for grabbing your attention and entertaining you.

Overall, I would recommend “Bare Lies” and the Boxer Boy series to those in the mood for a captivating, action-packed, high adrenaline, crime chase novel.


Book Tour Schedule

Book Tour Schedule

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Bare Lies by Nick Rippington Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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