Broken by K.M. Harding


Broken by K.M. Harding

Release: May 17th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently Published
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Kindle, Amazon UK



Some memories we long to forget. But some are worth dying to remember.

Hiding behind her wit and using music to escape the memories of her violent and abusive past, Dani is alive but not living. And between the nightmares and scars that lie underneath, the last thing Dani wants is romance. Or is it?

Gorgeous, intuitive, musical, Damien changes everything. The attraction is undeniable, and when a string of unfortunate incidents bring them closer, Damien’s patience and understanding awaken a longing for something Dani believed unattainable – a future.

But when past and present collide, Dani’s fears are pushed to the limit, and with the future hanging in the balance, is love enough to save Dani?

Trigger Warning: Contains references to/scenes of violence, abuse and suicide.

About the Author:

Born in Burnley, Lancashire, K.M. Harding is a part-time NHS worker and lover of all things fiction, now living in Cumbria with her husband and two kids. An avid reader, she went on to study Creative Writing at Staffordshire University before embarking on the exciting journey to becoming an author.

When not busy entertaining temper tantrums or fighting through traffic on the school run, she spends her time reading a good book or typing away on her laptop with a pair of headphones blaring her favourite songs.

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Broken Review:

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I love reading stories of romance mixed with suspense and intrigue, and I thought the author did an excellent job blending in “Broken.” As soon as the book starts, you wonder more about Dani’s past and what happened to her.

The romance between the two characters also shines. Damien shares beautiful chemistry with Dani, and I thought the author progressed their relationship beautifully. Some of their moments stood out for me when Dani opened up about what she remembers or when they go Paintballing together. The two of them go through ups and downs as they face challenges from each other’s lives and incidents. It was interesting to see how they would get bast the obstacles and bond together.

Moreover, I adored Jess and thought she sparked up the pages with her humor and energetic personality. Dani shares a beautiful bond with Jess, and I liked how Jess gave her advice as Dani tried to allow Damien into her life. On a side note, I am also intrigued about Damien’s relationship with his father and the moments when Kayleigh disappears.

Similarly, I also enjoyed how the author made the characters passionate about music, and I enjoyed reading the details about the band working together or selecting their instruments. As the story progresses, you start to love the supporting characters of the band as well, like Paul and Raif. The author paces the story gradually but manages to shock me in the second half with a big twist that I didn’t expect.

Probably the only minor criticism I have towards the story is James’s character. I thought he had a lot of potential in the beginning but disappeared soon after. Apart from that, I enjoyed reading “Broken” a lot!

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Broken by K.M. Harding Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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