Tranquil Heights by Megan Speece

Tranquil Heights

Tranquil Heights by Megan Speece

Release: October 15, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Megan Speece
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, Google Books, Apple, Kobo



Katie Edgecomb is questioning everything she thought she knew.

She thought the family curse was fake, just a scary story her mom told her to keep her from misbehaving. The first-born daughters in each of the last three generations lost their lives on their twenty-fifth birthdays, a series of tragic accidents sending shock waves of grief through multiple generations.

It isn’t until Katie is faced with the real-time impacts of the curse that she starts to believe it may be more than a story and she sets out to discover the origins of the family’s fabled curse. Her only clue lies in an exclusive girls’ preparatory academy in Washington that was once an asylum. There, she must face heart-break, ugly truths, and events so terrifying that they threaten to sever her very ties to reality.

She has no choice.

Katie is pregnant, and she won’t let her child become another life claimed by the curse.

About the Author:

Megan is a thriller author, horror buff, and dog person. She is currently writing books and helping authors navigate self publishing. She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and two dogs, and can be found spending her weekends at the beach, exploring everything Washington has to offer, or settling in with a good horror movie.

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Tranquil Heights Review:

What do you do when you find out that your child could die at the age of 25 from a family curse? Tranquil Heights turned out to be so much more than what I expected and were a thrilling read.

The plot intrigued me right from the beginning. Katie is pregnant with a child when she finds out that her sister Liz (who just turned 25) died. She finds out that this is due to a family curse and gets scared for her child. As Katie tries to find out the truth, a thrilling tale of witchcraft, paranormal sightings, and much more follow.

Moreover, I also enjoyed how the author toggled between the past and the present. Once I started reading about Wilhelmina’s life, I could not put the book down! Some scenes that spooked me were when Katie meets Augustina or when Wilhelmina gets unnerved by Beatrice. There are also some spooky jump scares which I thought added wonderfully, like the scene with Jason and the windowpane. Even Darla spooked me at certain times, and the White Woman shocked me. The author made the story so atmospheric and creepy that I was sometimes scared but could not put the book down.

It was also interesting to see how Katie’s relationship with Jason gets affected due to the curse. The nice thing about the book, in general, is how you become empathetic towards most of the characters at some point because you can relate to why they did what they did.

Overall, “Tranquil Heights” is a well-crafted spooky story, which I feel is a beautiful selection to pick up at this time of the year.

Spooktacular Giveaway

Print copy of Tranquil Heights

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Tranquil Heights

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Tranquil Heights by Megan Speece  Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

 1st October –  Jazzy Book Reviews
 4th October  – Sapphyria’s Books
 5 th October – JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder
 6th October – Bewitching Book Tours
 7 th October –Westveil Publishing
 8 th October –Serena Synn
 11th October – Raji’s Reviews (Review)
 12th October – Booklover-Sue 
 13th October –Gail’s Gory Details
 14th October – Midnight Musings with Bertena
 15th  October – Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read
 18th October –The Book Junkie Reads
 19th October – Supernatural Central
 20 th October –Lisa’s World of Books
 21st October – Booklikes
 22nd October – A Bewitching Guide to Halloween
 25th October – Fang-tastic Books
 26th October – The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom
 27th October –Roxanne’s Realm
 28 th October –The Pimpettes FB
 29th October – Paranormalists

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