
Witch by Mark Brownless

Release: October 15th 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SpellBound Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



A new home. A new start. Burying the tragedy of the past.

Gabe and Tor Hooper relocate to rural West Wales to restart their lives following the tragedy of the past, buying a magnificent house on a lake.

But they awaken the witch – a vengeful ghost who haunts both their new home and their dreams, having sworn revenge on, anyone who is the ‘master’ of Lake House.

As the woman in white escalates her terrifying campaign, Gabe fights to save his family from the horrors she brings, her disciples around her and the temptation to change the past. Can anyone resist such a supernatural force and will Gabe choose between his heart or his head?

WITCH, the terrifying new horror novel from Mark Brownless, the author of The Shadow Man and The Hand of an Angel.

About the Author:

Mark Brownless lives and works in Carmarthen, West Wales, UK. He has been putting ideas on paper for some years now but only when the idea for THE HAND OF AN ANGEL came to him in the autumn of 2015 did he know he might be able to write a book. Also, Mark likes to write about ordinary people experiencing extraordinary circumstances. He is fascinated by unexplained phenomena, and enjoys merging thriller, science fiction and horror.

Mark’s new novel, The Shadow Man is a terrifying horror thriller imagining what would happen if you found out the memories of your childhood were untrue, and that something sinister was lurking behind the facade of your life. Could you face what had happened back then? Could you face The Shadow Man.

Mark is also fascinated by myths and legends such as those of Robin Hood and King Arthur. This has culminated in the release of his short story series, Locksley, a Robin Hood story.

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Witch Review:

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“Witch” is a creepy, atmospheric horror novel that will not disappoint fans of the genre.

When I started reading this book, I had NO idea how awesome it would be. The author sets the mood perfectly right from the first page as Gabe and Tor move to the Lake House and run into Idris and Carol. The author keeps the suspense consistent where something happened to Tor and Gabe in every chapter. Hitting something on the road, hearing shrieking from a painting, and witnessing the pipe incident are only a few of the many moments that unnerve them.

I loved both the main characters. The author portrays Gabe and Tor beautifully as they settle in the house. The presence of the spirit gave me the creeps, and I wondered how she would strike next. Moreover, the author adds layers to the characters, seeing the history of their loss and trying to move forward. The author also spends time detailing the other residents of Ty Llyn, like Idris, Mal, and Ellie. Frankly, I found Tor fascinating because she was vulnerable to the presence more than Gabe, and you didn’t know how it would affect her.

One of the highlights was when the author flashback to the past where we read about Morvith. As you continue reading, the stakes go up, and you realize how dangerous and sinister the Witch becomes. Moreover, you see the plot is not as straightforward as it appears, as you see conspiracies and secrets along the way. There are some shocking twists, especially to the end of the story, which I did not see coming at all! After reading the book, I still have goosebumps recollecting some parts of the tale.

Overall, “Witch” is the perfect horror novel to pick up and read during Halloween!

Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Witch by Mark Brownless Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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