Snotlings by Tarryn Mallick


Snotlings by Tarryn Mallick

Release: October 25, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Tarryn Mallick
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, TBD



Can you survive the snotpocalpyse?

Jackson Hart loves picking his nose. But when he finds a tiny warrior in his booger, everything turns WEIRD and DANGEROUS! Not only does he have a civilisation of snotlings up his nose . . . one wants revenge.
Mucuszar and his awful germ army have conquered both nostrils and Jackson’s world is next!

Can Jackson and his friends stop the snotpocalypse? Or will Mucuszar’s deadly creation destroy the planet?

About the Author:

I became a writer because I had a story to tell. A story about snot! It may seem strange to write a book about boogers, but growing up, my little brother tormented me with his snot every… single… day!

I got my degree in Creative and Professional Writing and studied numerous courses and books, applying everything I had learnt to my book. It took me a short six years and now Snotlings is nearly ready to be shared with everyone.

 To know that families around the world will squish together in bed and read my story and laugh- as I did with my Mum and brother- brings me so much happiness!

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Snotlings Review:

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If you can get past the image that the world-building of this story revolves around the boogers from someone’s nose, this book is very entertaining! Get ready for a “snotastic” adventure as you read “Snotlings”!

I have to hand it to the author for coming up with such a creative concept for the story. As soon as Jackson sees a warrior who lives in his nose who can communicate with him, I wonder how the story would progress. The author adds in a lot of adventure as the team prepares for the snot zombies. Crust and Goober made a good team, and I liked reading their exciting action-adventure scenes. Crust was my favorite warrior, and I loved how he risked his life for the greater good to protect everyone from the evil Mucuszar, or when he survives the rapids and the close bond he shares with his father. Moreover, some moments made me laugh, like how Mrs. Fung gives up some concoctions to make him get better. Even Jackson’s friends are entertaining, like Rosa and Tane, and I adored Olivia.

Another reason why I enjoyed the story is that it indirectly educates the human body to the younger readers as well. For instance, when Goober explains the pathway of the auditory nerves and the nose hairs was entertaining as well as informative. We also learn that there are good bacteria vs. bad ones and new terms like “Engulf.” Moreover, I enjoyed the different words the author came up with, like phlegmray, Vomitor, Flufector, and Snotpocalypse!

The illustrations by Nahum Zierschare also excellent and give the story an adventurous look. The pictures are detailed and gorgeous and would make you stop reading to appreciate them. Overall, “Snotlings ” is a book that would keep middle graders entertained throughout!

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a SNOTLINGS Book Box with fun goodies and finished copy of SNOTLINGS, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Snotlings by Tarryn Mallick Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-10-18-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Interview-10-19-2021
BookHounds YA-Interview-10-20-2021
Lily Luchesi’s Blog-Guest Post-10-21-2021
bookblogarama -Spotlight/Excerpt-10-22-2021

Week Two:
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-10-25-2021
Nerdophiles -Review-10-26-2021
Lifestyle of Me-Review-10-27-2021
Fyrekatz Blog-Review-10-28-2021
Books a Plenty Book Reviews-Review-10-29-2021

Week Three:
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Review-11-1-2021
I’m Shelfish-Spotlight/Excerpt-11-2-2021
The Momma Spot -Review-11-3-2021
Don’t Judge, Read-Guest Post-11-5-2021

Week Four:
The Bookwyrm’s Den-Review-11-8-2021
Little Red Reads-Review-11-9-2021
Locks, Hooks and Books-Review-11-10-2021
Two Points of Interest-Review-11-11-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-11-13-2021

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