Jadie in Five Dimensions by Dianne K. Salerni

Jadie in Five Dimensions

Jadie in Five Dimensions by Dianne K. Salerni

Release: October 5, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Holiday House
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD, Bookshop.org



A thirteen-year-old girl seeks answers about her past in the fourth dimension–and beyond–in this think-outside-the-box adventure.

What do you do when it turns out your whole life has been a lie?

Jadie Martin was always told she was abandoned by her parents. Creatures from the 4th dimension rescued her and placed her with a loving adoptive family. Now, Jadie acts as an agent for the beings, also known as Seers. She uses the 4th dimension as a short-cut to travel anywhere on Earth, performing missions calculated to guide the world toward a brighter future.

But then Jadie discovers that her origin story is fake. In reality, her birth family has suffered multiple tragedies and disasters engineered from 4-space, including the devastating loss of their baby girl. Her!

Doubting the Seers, Jadie starts anonymously observing her long-lost family. Why are they so important? What are the true intentions of the Seers? And what will all-powerful four-dimensional beings do to a rebellious human girl when they realize she’s interfering with their plans?

A Wrinkle in Time meets Flatland in this thrilling journey that challenges the meaning of family, loyalty, and our universe at large.

About the Author:

Dianne K. Salerni has written many books for children and young adults, including state-award nominated series The Eighth Day and Junior Library Guild selection Eleanor, Alice, and the Roosevelt Ghosts.

She attended the University of Delaware and the University of Pennsylvania before teaching fourth and fifth grades for many years. Now Dianne spends her time hanging around creepy cemeteries, climbing 2,000-year-old pyramids for book research, and volunteering at her local rescue animal shelter.

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Jadie in Five Dimensions Review:

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Dimensions and Portals, with secrets and lies, made “Jadie in Five Dimensions” a remarkable book to read.

Firstly, I commend the author for writing such a unique middle-grade novel. The plot gives a futuristic, science-fiction feel, where we have Transporters, Bracelet communications, dimension travel, and much more. The author nicely uses various Physics concepts like centrifugal forces and multi-dimensions to set the backdrop. The geeky side of me had a thrill reading this story.

Secondly, the characters are also charismatic. Jadie is remarkable as she realizes that her life has been a lie. I liked many memorable moments with Jadie, like when she looks at the photograph, meets Sam, or starts using Ty’s device. Even the supporting characters like Marius and Ty added well. Frankly, Ty was initially a question mark because I did not know how his actions would impact Jadie.

Similarly, my heart also went out to Sam, as he feels like his family suffers from bad luck. The story was hard to put down when the events revolved around his father. The author also nicely toggles the chapters between Jadie, Ty’s, and Sam’s perspectives. At the same time, Miss Rose and the Seers gave me goosebumps because of how creepy they appeared.

On a side note, I also enjoyed the illustrations of instructions that the author inserted and felt that it added a nice touch. The author paces the story nicely and fills the second half of the tale with thrills and adventure. As this is a science fiction novel, I had no idea how the story would conclude and thought the author delivered it beautifully.

Overall, “Jadie in Five Dimensions” is a brave and creative novel in the middle-grade genre, and I enjoyed reading it a lot!

Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of JADIE IN FIVE DIMENSIONS, US Only

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Jadie in Five Dimensions

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Jadie in Five Dimensions by Dianne K. Salerni Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-10-18-2021
BookHounds Ya-Excerpt-10-18-2021
Kait Plus Books-Excerpt-10-19-2021
I’m Shelfish-Excerpt-10-19-2021
Jazzy Book Reviews-Excerpt-10-20-2021
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt-10-20-2021
Jaime’s World-Excerpt-10-21-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-10-22-2021

Week Two:
The Reading Wordsmith-Review-10-25-2021
Nonbinary Knight Reads and Reviews-Review-10-26-2021
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Review-10-26-2021
Little Red Reads-Review-10-27-2021
Books and Zebras-Review-10-28-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-10-28-2021
Two Points of Interest-Review-10-29-2021
Lifestyle of Me-Review-10-29-2021

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