The Mortification of Fovea Munson by Mary Winn Heider

The Mortification of Fovea Munson

The Mortification of Fovea Munson by Mary Winn Heider

Release: June 05th 2018
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Source: NetGalley
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



Fovea Munson is nobody’s Igor. True, her parents own a cadaver lab where they perform surgeries on dead bodies. And yes, that makes her gross by association, at least according to everyone in seventh grade. And sure, Fovea’s stuck working at the lab now that her summer camp plans have fallen through. But she is by no means Dr. Frankenstein’s snuffling assistant!

That is, until three disembodied heads, left to thaw in the wet lab, start talking. To her. Out loud.

What seems like a nightmare, or bizarre hallucination, is not. Fovea is somebody’s Igor, all right. Three somebodies, actually. And they need a favor.

With a madcap sense of humor and a lot of heart (not to mention other body parts), this is a story about finding oneself, finding one’s friends, and embracing the moment.

About the Author:

A graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts Writing for Children and Young Adults program, Mary Winn Heideris the author of The Mortification of Fovea Munson. She lives in Chicago, where she acts in plays, rides her bike, and works for The Mystery League. You can visit her online at

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The Mortification of Fovea Munson Review:

This book was HI-LA-RI-OUS!! I LOVED reading it! There are very few books out there that make me laugh out loud throughout, and this was one of them.

I honestly cannot find anything to complain about this book. The story is unique, and unlike anything I have read before. The plot contains some pretty morbid matter like cadavers, appendages, and cremators. But the author wrote it in such a light-hearted manner that would intrigue the young ones to read without spooking them. The story has so many twists and turns happening that glued me to the pages. 

At times the plot got so farfetched (like when Fovea realizes she has to find a baritone to entertain her newfound friends) that I wondered where the author was going with this. It also touches on the values of friendship and how to deal with breakups and see the more important things in life.

Coming to the characters, Fovea is one of those characters that easily connects to the reader. Her snarky sense of humor makes the entire book so entertaining. The supporting characters like Howe, Whitney, Andy, McMullen, and Grandma Van were also a treat to read. My favorite, of course, was Lake. He was the funniest among them all. Even though he was in the story for a while, he became a memorable character.

I have become a fan of Mary Winn Heider after reading this book and cannot wait till her next one comes out. The illustrations are also cute and add a whimsical tone to the story. If you are a middle-grade fan and are reading only three books this year, this should be one of them.

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