Prey by Cheryl Elaine


Prey by Cheryl Elaine

Release: 27th October 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Chesterfield Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon US , Kindle



What started out as a night of celebration for Aimee soon turned into a nightmare. Snatched by cruel, sadistic monsters – the worst creatures mankind has ever produced – she’s thrown into a metal container, among other victims too frightened to make a single sound.

The game-keepers force everyone to play. They deliver torment and pain in equal measure. Every hunter has their own agenda and reasons to maim and torture.

Detective Johnson is one step away from catching the killers. Wrestling with his instincts as a father to serve justice his own way, this is no ordinary case for him. Can he stop the vile sadists before they damage more young girls, as well as his own daughter?

Aimee’s ordeal within the compound brings her to the conclusion that she’s no ordinary girl. But can she hang onto her sanity long enough to escape? And will she find a different way to play?

This crime thriller will keep you riveted. It’s no ordinary story.

Please note: contains graphic content.

About the Author:

Cheryl Elaine is a British author of psychological thrillers, suspense, horror, crime, and fantasy. With four fiction novels written to date, and an award winning script writer. Among her works are the following titles – No Ordinary Girl, Stitched , Camp Hell and Dragged to the Depths. 

When not absorbed in writing the latest gripping page turner, Cheryl Elaine loves to read, walk her dogs, or indulge in binge watching crime documentary’s, and horror movies. 


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Prey Review:

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What would you do if you woke up and found yourself trapped by madmen, knowing they would end your life? “Prey” was a creepy and disturbing horror novel that gave me shivers.

The book is a relatively short one to read but so compelling. There is a lot that happens in each chapter, which would creep you out. The author does not shy away from the horror as Aimee tries to escape the situation she finds herself in. Speaking of Aimee, I enjoyed her as the main character. If when the case seems grim, she has the strength to fight and have hope.

Another reason why I liked this book is because of how the author took it in the second half. Usually, in such stories, the suspense intensifies right till the end. However, in this book, the second half deals more with the aftermath of the situation, which I thought was a good touch. As the story progresses, you start to see how complex the operation is. Detective Johnson is also a decent addition to the tale. It was also interesting to read about Chico’s back story.

However, some moments were challenging to read, like the scene with what Angel does to Marcus. While I don’t mind gory stuff, some scenes were too graphic for my taste. There are many explicit scenes of torture and molestation, so you might get queasy in some locations if you are not used to that. Some moments that gave me goosebumps were Ray’s attempt to escape and when we find that Aimee is still missing after the raid.

Overall, “Prey” turned out to be more horrific than I had imagined it would be, as it felt like something that could happen in reality.


Book Tour Schedule

No Ordinary Girl

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Prey by Cheryl Elaine Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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