Descent to Hell

Descent to Hell by Nic Parker

Release: October 30th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: SpellBound Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Amazon UK



A child dragged into the underworld.
A man forced to enter mankind’s most feared territory…

When Charlie Ward’s beloved niece is kidnapped by a demon, he must find the secret gateway into the one place every human fears.
Armed only with courage and determination, Charlie has to survive in a forbidding place filled with despair and anguish, a place that thrives on despair and cruelty.

Charlie must face challenges no mortal should ever have to undertake .
Challenges that threaten to claim and destroy his very soul.
How far would you go to save someone you love ?.

DESCENT TO HELL is contemporary horror thriller, perfect for readers who like to be scared witless

About the Author:

Nic Parker was born in 1971 and lives in a rural part of Germany with her husband and seven cats. She fell in love with England on a school trip and has been travelling to the UK frequently ever since.

She worked in various jobs, can tell a good garment from crap, can help you find the perfect bra, knows which hotels not to book and knows the tricks of the insurance industry but her favourite job is as a bookkeeper.

Her love for horror stories and anything dark and decaying developed early in her childhood with comics and the old classic movies. The 80s were the most formative years for her when she hunted every gory video nasty she could find and started reading Clive Barker. Her taste for music is still mostly stuck in this decade, as is her undying love for neon and pastel colours.

She was already writing stories as a teenager but was disheartened by people telling her that as an outsider you don’t have any chances of being published. She learned not to trust the nay-sayers and to rather follow her dreams.

Writing is pure escapism for her and she’s happiest when she can conjure up new worlds and nasty characters.

Her hobbies include reading, movies, art, gardening, cooking and travelling to meet with friends.

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Descent to Hell Review:

How far would you go to save a loved one? Charlie should win Uncle of the year for the lengths he goes through to save Susie literally by going to Hell.

Charlie and Max are the stars of the show! Max and Charlie’s friendship also grew on me. While I was not too fond of Max initially, I liked how she bonded with Charlie. She wills to go with him through the mountain of despair to find Susie and save her from Nergal. Another character who surprised me was Lucifer. I loved how the author changed my perception of these characters and made me look at them differently.

The story never has a dull moment, particularly the chapters revolving around Charlie, like when he goes down the spiral staircase and searches for the door. Some of the story’s highlights are when Charlie converses with Lucifer or enters the mountain and Nergal’s fortress. The story leads to a gripping climax with multiple twists and turns where you don’t know what will happen. Similarly, Jonathan black creeped me out and was a formidable villain.

The only criticism I have of the story is that I wished the supporting characters were more prominent. Initially, even Clark felt like a compelling character in looking at the case from a logical standpoint. Initially, I felt the character had a lot of potentials, but as the story progressed, I thought that he was not as strong as Charlie for the way Black manipulates him. Pam is also a likable character in how she gives in Charlie’s love for Susie. I wished the author had made these two characters more visible as they had a lot of potentials.

Overall, I loved reading “Descent to Hell” and thought it was a fabulous Good vs. Evil story.

Book Tour Schedule

Descent to Hell

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Descent to Hell by Nic Parker Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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