Twice a Daughter by Julie Ryan McGue

Twice a Daughter

Twice a Daughter by Julie Ryan McGue

Release: May 11th 2021
Format: Paperback
Publisher: She Writes Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N



Julie is adopted. She is also a twin. Because of the closure of their adoption process, she and her sister lack both a health history and their adoption papers—which becomes an issue for Julie when, at forty-eight years old, she finds herself facing several serious health issues.

To launch the probe into her closed adoption, Julie first needs the support of her sister. The twins talk things over, and make a pact: Julie will approach their adoptive parents for the adoption paperwork and investigate search options, and the sisters will split the costs involved in locating their birth relatives. But their adoptive parents aren’t happy that their daughters want to locate their birth parents—and that is only the first of many obstacles Julie will come up against as she digs into her background.

Julie spends eight years searching for her birth relatives . And this involves a search agency, a PI, a confidential intermediary, a judge, an adoption agency, a social worker, and a genealogist. By journey’s end, what began as a simple desire for a family medical history has evolved into a complicated quest—one that unearths secrets, lies, and family members that are literally right next door.

About the Author:

Born in Chicago, Julie Ryan McGue is a memoirist, blogger, and a columnist. Her writing centers on finding out about who you are, where you belong, and making sense of it. Julie’s weekly essays focus on identity, family, and life’s quirky moments.  She has served multiple terms on the board of the Midwest Adoption Center and is a member of the American Adoption Congress.

Besides her laptop, Julie loves her Steinway, Nikon camera, and tennis racquet. Married for over thirty years, she is the mother of four adult children and has three grandsons. She splits her time between Northwest Indiana and Sarasota, Florida.

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Twice a Daughter Review:

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“Twice a Daughter” is a beautiful memoir about family and togetherness and makes you appreciate life and the bond you share with your family.

When I picked up this book, I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I did. The first aspect of the book that struck me was the author’s writing style. Although the story is pretty simple, it’s hard to put down because you get engrossed with the characters. Some of the memorable moments were when they read her mother’s letter about their feelings about the adoption or when they celebrated their birthday.

Julie is also a strong lead for embarking on this quest due to her health and biopsy. Moreover, she has to deal with her father’s fragile health and her mother’s moods. My heart also went out to her because she is middle-aged, and I realized it would be harder to track someone from so long ago. On a side note, I liked how the author described the importance of genealogy and spent time talking about the process of healing. Even the plot with the WWT and their interactions with Kurt, Lisa, and Linda was interesting.

Moreover, I liked the bond that the author shared with Jenny. While both are adopted and twins, I enjoyed how contrastingly different they are in their personalities. She only says that she would not have gotten this far towards their goal without each other. Similarly, I adored the relationship that Julie has with her mother. Steve is also great in the supporting role.

Overall, “Twice a Daughter” is a beautiful memoir that deals with family roots and a woman’s journey as she encounters truths, lies, and misconceptions.

Book Tour Schedule

Twice a Daughter

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Twice a Daughter by Julie Ryan McGue Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

Sho Biz Reads-Nov. 1st
Rajivs Reviews-Nov. 1st
Britt Reads A Latte Books-Nov. 3rd
Rozier Reads and Wine-Nov. 4th
Reading With Mere-Nov. 5th
Candid With Courtney –-Nov. 5th
Dani Reads-Nov. 7th
Just Another Chapter And Tea-Nov. 7th
Bookworm Struggles -Nov. 8th
Geaux Get Lit-Nov. 9th
Book Low Down-Nov. 10th
Subakka Bookstuff-Nov. 11th
Lexi Java-Nov. 13th
Bookish Heidi-Nov. 15th

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