Luna Rising by Sara Snow

Luna Rising

Luna Rising (Luna Rising #1)by Sara Snow

Release: April 17, 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Sara Snow
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible, TBD



Xavier Blackwood is the man every girl at my college dreams about at night, myself included, but I’d never let anyone know that.

Standing at 6’8 with steel grey eyes, he’s a walking dream, but he’s also a world-renowned jerk.

Who would have thought that one night, after dragging myself home after doing double shifts at the diner, I’d be jumped by three men…only to have Xavier come to my rescue.

Oh yes, Xavier bloody Blackwood saved my life…but the thing I saw, the CREATURE that ripped those men to shreds wasn’t the Xavier everyone knows.

He wasn’t human…

He was a wolf, a demon, a creature from myths, and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen until he attacked me too and knocked me out.

Humans that learn about the existence of werewolves have to die.

…There are NO exceptions.

The Werewolf Xavier saved me, but now I am condemned to death

To make things worse, both Xavier and Axel claim I am their mate

…this can’t be good.

About the Author:

Sara Snow was born and raised in Texas, and she moved to the Washington, D.C. area after high school. She’ll always be a Texas girl at heart, though! Now she lives in Northern Virginia with her family and her adorably fierce Yorkshire Terrier, Loki. In fact, Loki inspired her to write her best-selling series “Luna Rising” (although he’s still more of a beta than an alpha!).

When not eagerly working on her next book, she loves to geek out at Marvel movies, play games with her family and friends, and travel around the world (when there isn’t a pandemic, that is!).

No matter where she or what she is doing, she can rarely be found without a book in her hand.

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Luna Rising Review:

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“Luna Rising” is a guilty pleasure at its best and so much fun to read.

The author doesn’t in jumping right into the action. The story is short and filled with romance and thrills, and I could not put it down. I loved the concept of the Enchanted and wondered what would happen to Ruby.

Ruby is enjoyable in the read as she starts to know Xavier better. Xavier is probably the highlight of the show because I found him to be complex. He must follow his responsibilities, but he doesn’t know how to in Ruby’s presence. Some of the notable moments are when Ruby witnesses Xavier ripping the main to shreds or Natalie’s scenes with Ruby.

Speaking of romance, I also enjoyed how the author incorporated the love angle between Ruby and Xavier. The two of them share a tortured romance, where you know it won’t bode well and invite more problems. Yet, you cannot help but take in by their chemistry. It was sweet to see their first kiss and how they tried to understand their feelings for each other.

Another favorite character of mine was Adolfa, who I found fascinating. The scenes where Natalie goes to the Enchanted to find out more were intriguing. I liked how the author added various twists where you don’t know what will happen to Ruby, especially when Axel comes into the picture. The author also ends the story in a cliffhanger where you want to pick up the next book and continue reading.

Overall, “Luna Rising” is an entertaining start to the “Luna Rising” series, and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will win a finished copy of LUNA RISING, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Luna Rising

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Luna Rising by Sara Snow Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
BookHounds-Guest Post-11-8/-2021
Writer of Wrongs-Guest Post-11-9-2021
The Reading Devil-Excerpt-11-10-2021
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-11-11-2021

Week Two:
Books a Plenty Book Reviews-Review-11-15-2021
Triquetra Reviews-Review-11-16-2021
The Momma Spot-Review-11-17-2021
Books and Zebras -Review-11-18-2021
Emmiepooh2 -Review-11-19-2021

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