The Kidnapper's Word

The Kidnapper’s Word by E.J. WOOD

Release: November 10, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Question Mark Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US




When nine year old Emily disappears, Detective Chief Inspector Clarence Landon knows time isn’t on his side.

It’s the 1960s. Child abductions are rare.

Her mother, Ava blames herself. What mother would leave their child alone?

Behind twitching curtains, an unsettling truth of what happened is revealed. A story of family secrets and a chilling tale of deception is unravelled.

What would you be capable of when pushed to your limits?

About the Author:

She’s just a storyteller!

E.J. Wood is a historical crime writer best known for her true fiction novels that take place between the 1940s and 1980s.

Although British born, she now resides in Spain, speaks English, and Spanish, and is currently learning German.

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The Kidnapper’s Word Review:

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“The Kidnapper’s Word” turned out to be so much better and twisted than what I had expected.

This book is the first one I read of the author and hopefully would not be the last. The author has a sneaky way of throwing red herrings and keeping you guessing what is happening. In this story, a small girl named Emily goes missing, and it is up to Clarence and DI Burke to investigate the case. Surprisingly, there are VERY few suspects, in this case, probably only two or three. Yet, the author still threw me off and shocked me about who was good and not. I think mystery authors who can accomplish shocking the readers with such a short cast of characters are very talented.

The main characters are also dynamic. I loved Clarence in the lead, only because he has a personal stake in this case because of his involvement with Ava. Ava is a complex character who unnerved me because of her drug addiction and depression. The author also brings up the mystery of Emily’s father and what happened to him. There are also little moments where I found the story fascinating, like how the media changes what happened to Emily.
Moreover, I liked how the author brought the 1960s to life and included quotations at the start of each chapter. Landon and Burke make a good team as they navigate through the case and interview the suspects. The book is psychologically disturbing and will creep you out for sure.

Overall, “The Kidnapper’s Word” was a gripping mystery thriller, and I can’t wait to read more of the author’s books.


Book Tour Schedule

The Kidnapper's Word

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Kidnapper’s Word by E.J. WOOD Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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