Spirituality, Healing and Me

Spirituality, Healing and Me by Ilana Estelle

Release:16th September 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: RedDoor Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US



Ilana Estelle grew up not knowing she had a disability. It took forty-six years for her to find out that she was living with cerebral palsy. Spirituality has helped Ilana on her journey. And in this book she uses her experience of mental and physical disability in the healing process, to create positivity and healing for others.

Based on her own experiences of spirituality and healing, she shows how focusing on values such as understanding, compassion, tolerance, creativity and acceptance can help us find our inner calm.

This book will help you to:

  •  Improve emotional balance and wellness
  •  Boost confidence and self-esteem
  • Stay self-aware, grounded and patient
  • Appreciate life and each other Accept changing circumstances
  • Enhance positive emotions and personal healing

Packed with inspiring messages and real life pictures, Ilana’s book shows how spirituality can help us cope with the modern world and reset our moral compass.

About the Author:

Ilana was born with a disability she didn’t know she had until the age of 46. Then through her medical notes she discovered she had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of 2.

That discovery turned out to be a unique and life changing experience . It forced Ilana to look at her life experiences differently. On her late diagnosis, Ilana set up her website The CP Diary . And she uses her experiences to explore her emotional and physical health, with an inspiring message advocating resilience and change.

Ilana likes to spend her days writing and blogging about anything that contributes to her health and wellbeing. She is an animal advocate and is passionate about environmental issues. When she is not writing to tending to her blog, Ilana enjoys days out exploring the Yorkshire countryside.

Ilana lives with her husband and their much-loved cat, in Yorkshire. Her grown-up son and daughter both live in London.

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Spirituality, Healing and Me Review:

“Spirituality, Healing and Me” is an inspiring self-help book that deals with how anyone can bring spirituality into their lives, and I thought it was thought-provoking.

There are many aspects of this book that I admire the author for writing. I realized I was practicing and believed in many of the author’s principles as I read it. It was beautiful how the author categorized them into sections and portrayed their importance. One of my favorite sections in the book was how the author talks about reading the universe’s messages and the various laws, like the law of action and compensation. I also liked some details the author includes, like bullet points on how to view things inside and out and work on moral values. If you follow some of these principles, I’m sure your stress and anxiety will reduce.

Moreover, the author covers many topics, from selflessness and karma to understanding your psyche, introspecting, and being mindful of your actions. When you read this book, you realize how easy it is to follow the principles. You don’t need to take particular medicine or do something expensive to be a better person. If you have patience, humility, and a better understanding of life, things will fall into place. It also deals with how to let go of your ego and look at the bigger picture.

However, the only minor criticism of the book is that I felt the passages were repetitive from time to time. Other than that, this was an excellent self-help book!

Overall, if more people read this book, the world would be a better place, as we would be more empathetic towards others and improve our health and lifestyle.

Tour Schedule:

Spirituality, Healing and Me

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Spirituality, Healing and Me by Ilana Estelle Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours


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