One Book Away by Debbie Ioanna

One Book Away

One Book Away by Debbie Ioanna

Release: December 3rd 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Debbie Ioanna
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon US, Amazon UK



She’s just a girl, standing in front of a bookcase, looking for her happily every after…

Charlotte’s love of romantic literature and ‘happily ever after’ is a far cry from reality. Putting her own ambitions to one side and settling with her university sweetheart, it has not been a decade of bliss. Changes need to be made, and quick.

At a book signing for her favourite author, she meets the handsome and chivalrous Ross. He immediately charms her and wants to see her again. Could this be the romantic, happy ending she was looking for?

Debbie brings us her latest romantic comedy where dating and new romances warm our hearts… and give us a little bit of dating fear.

About the Author:

Debbie is a Yorkshire born indie author who dabbles in all genres.

She lives with her family and loves nothing more than hunting through antique bookshops for some literary treasures to add to her collection.

Debbie has just graduated from the Open University after spending six years studying History and Creative Writing, her two biggest passions, and is looking forward to her next venture and publishing more books for her readers to enjoy. 

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One Book Away Review:

“One Book Away” is the perfect book to pick up if you want a short and sweet romantic comedy that makes you feel optimistic.

I enjoyed Charlotte in the lead, and I thought the author portrayed her nicely. It’s never easy coming out of a relationship, and we slowly start to see how Charlotte’s relationship with Sam went wrong. What’s lovely about Charlotte is how we see her mentally feel good about herself. After she meets Ross, she starts to change her lifestyle choices in terms of what she eats. It was beautiful to see how self-confident she became under Ross’s influence.

Similarly, I also enjoyed how the author told the tale. The author also toggles between the past and the present as Charlotte contemplates her relationship between Sam and Ross. I loved how quick and easy this book was to read. Even those reluctant to read would enjoy reading this one. The author paces the story nicely to see how Charlotte changes her lifestyle and looks for a better future. Moreover, I liked the ‘inside’ stories we read about, like Charles and Eliza. The author has a charming way of making you smile and feeling optimistic about the future.

Perhaps the only criticism I have towards the tale is how it felt too sweet at times. The story feels too good to be true sometimes, and while I didn’t find anything wrong with it, I would have liked more spice in the tale to make it compelling.

Apart from that, “One Book Away” is a lovely romantic feel-good story worth checking out!

Book Tour Schedule

One Book Away

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the One Book Away by Debbie Ioanna Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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