Time to Wake

Time to Wake by K. Thomas

Release:14th February 2021 
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Bookbaby
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US



Senlis is your typical artist. Empath, hater of mornings, and the bearer of a strange name passed down from her grandmother. With a penchant for caffeine and a pet ghost, she’s just trying to live her best life.

Did she mention she also happens to devour souls? No? Well, it’s a bit of a conversation killer… no pun intended.

When new neighbors move in across the street, Senlis strikes up an unexpected friendship with the equally quirky Katie. The two get mixed up in a party circuit that leaves a string of missing girls– and a trail back to Senlis’ less than human origins. At the center of it all is Hunter: a guy not smart enough to keep his distance. He’s arrogant, frustrating, and terribly distracting… Just, please don’t tell anyone she admitted that last part.

Is Hunter involved in the mysterious murders? Or is he just in the wrong place at the right time?

As she tries to figure out Hunter’s motives, Senlis ends up learning what it means to be a Nephilim, and how her past is playing a role in the murders. “Time to Wake” is the first book of a new-adult paranormal romance series brimming with suspense and quirky laughs!

About the Author:

 K. Thomas is a human, not a talking cat. This is her first novel. She meant to publish one sooner, but fell in love with her day job. Unlike her main character, she likes numbers and budgets, almost as much as she likes words.

Her debut novel “Time to Wake” received a warm literary welcome with five star reviews from IndieReader and Readers’ Favorite, as well as being awarded the 2021 Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal in the New Adult Genre.

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Time to Wake Review:

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When I started reading “Time to Wake,” I didn’t know what to expect. The story begins a bit slow initially, but the concept immediately intrigued me was the concept of the ghost as the roommate. As the story progressed, the author slowly revealed the bigger picture, and the book turned out to be very entertaining.

The highlight of the story is the relationship between the characters. I thought Sen shared fantastic chemistry with Benny and liked seeing their ups and downs. Moreover, I enjoyed the bond Sen shared with Katie and how supportive they are of each other. Katie brings out Sen’s fun side as they go out and have a good time. Even Hunter initially intrigued me because of the connection to the missing girls. What’s lovely about the author’s writing style is how the author balances the intrigue and suspense with the light-hearted humor of the character’s dialogues.

Similarly, the plot is intriguing as the author slowly builds the world and explains the characters. The author also adds some surprising moments to the story, like when Sen enters the apartment to find Katie playing cards with Benny or when Sen feels a current inside of her when she is near Hunter. Even characters like Vincent and Ryder were interesting in their way. However, Will was someone who I felt was mysterious and stood out because you don’t know what his intentions are. The author also ends the story on a shocking note, where you want to pick up the next book and find out what happens next.

Overall, “Time to Wake” is an excellent start to the series, and I look forward to reading its continuation.

Book Tour Schedule

Time to Wake

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Time to Wake by K. Thomas Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours



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