Royal Wedding in Vegas by Paul Mathews

Royal Wedding in Vegas

Royal Wedding in Vegas by Paul Mathews 

Release: November 25th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Independently published
Source: LoveBooks Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle



After a whirlwind romance that went straight from attraction to engagement without all that messy dating business in between, Princess Araminta and her fiancé Lennon are defying protocol and getting hitched in Vegas. Schoolteacher, goldfish lover and reformed accidental kidnapper George is also along for the royal-wedding ride. That’s because he’s the best man – the first time anyone has ever called him that in his life.

But the secret wedding plans soon start to go awry, as news of the big event leaks to the media, things and people start disappearing, and an unexpected visitor turns up to add to the marital mayhem.

Will the happy couple make it to the chapel on time? Will George buckle under the best-man pressure? Can what happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas … or will the paparazzi spoil the party? Find out, in the latest hilarious instalment of Paul Mathews’ Royally Funny books series!

About the Author:

Paul Mathews is a quite funny British guy whose sharp, satirical – often surreal – sense of humour has been honed during nearly half a century of not taking life too seriously. He gains inspiration from his love of good food, Earl Grey tea, four-legged animals & the quirks and quibbles of British life. You can visit his website at, laugh at him on Twitter @QuiteFunnyGuy or just follow him in the street if you ever see him. He won’t mind..

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Royal Wedding in Vegas Review:

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I have not read any of the previous books in the “Royally Funny” series, but “Royal Wedding in Vegas” was hilarious, and I found myself laughing a lot. You can easily enjoy this book as a standalone, but I wish I had read the previous books as well after reading it.

To begin with, I must mention that it’s so refreshing to read a book of this genre from a male perspective that doesn’t market itself as a romantic comedy. The story is just pure comedy where the characters find themself in far-fetched scenarios, and it still turned out to be a feel-good story.

I loved George and thought he was the highlight of the book! George is hilarious in the lead as he finds himself in crazy situations and deals with Minty’s engagement to Lennon. While the story started a bit slow, I thought it went full swing once they entered Vegas. The pacing also speeds up as the story progresses, and you cannot put it down. Some memorable moments in the tale were when George gets dragged from the auditorium, searches for the disappearing groom, and steps into superhero costume to pursue the joker. As the story progresses, you also meet the other characters like the Duke and Portia, who I felt were memorable.

The author also brings Las Vegas to life, from gamblings in casinos to the eruption of fake volcanos. I have never been to Vegas, but the author details the background so humorously that I feel like I want to go there and experience it myself.

Overall, “Royal Wedding in Vegas” is a delightfully funny tale. It encouraged me to pick up the previous two books and read more of their adventures.

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Royal Wedding in Vegas

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Royal Wedding in Vegas by Paul Mathews  Blog Tour hosted by LoveBooks Tours



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