The New Neighbour by Miranda Rijks

The New Neighbour

The New Neighbour by Miranda Rijks

Release: December 10th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon UK, Amazon US



A small community. A deadly secret.

Until recently, Isobel has always loved The Close. A quiet road of large houses tucked away in the beautiful English countryside, it seemed like the perfect place to live.

Then, six months ago, a young man was killed in a mysterious hit-and-run incident. The police investigated but no one was charged.

It’s left a bad feeling in this little community, a feeling that someone knows more than they are saying.

So when new neighbour Linette arrives, Isobel thinks it’s the perfect chance to make a fresh start, to repair relationships and rebuild her community.

But someone else has a very different plan, and bad things start to happen.

When there’s another death, Isobel realises her home, her marriage, and her family are all in terrible danger. She is certain that what’s happening is connected to the hit-and-run. But how? What really happened on the night of the fatal accident? And above all, who is Linette and what does she really want?

The New Neighbour, the stunning psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Visitors, The Only Child, The Arrangement.

About the Author:

Miranda Rijks is a writer of psychological thrillers and suspense novels. She has an eclectic background ranging from law to running a garden centre. She’s been writing all of her life and has a Masters in writing. A couple of years ago she decided to ditch the business plans and press releases and now she’s living the dream, writing suspense novels full time. She lives in Sussex, England with her Dutch husband, musician daughter and black Labrador.

Miranda is the author of psychological thrillers. This will be her fourteenth novel published with Inkubator Books..

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The New Neighbour Review:

“The New Neighbour” is the latest psychological thriller from one of my favorite authors of this genre, and it did not disappoint.

I have read quite a few books by the author, and what stands out from her writing style is the atmosphere she created. For some reason, this book unnerved me more than the others because of the setting. Like Isobel, I also felt something was wrong with the neighborhood where everyone kept to themselves. The author paces the story wonderfully and keeps you guessing when Linette moves in. I had no idea where the story would go and was shocked when the death counts started to increase of people that I did not expect.

Similarly, I enjoyed Isobel in the lead and thought the author portrayed her uneasiness realistically. Some moments that shocked me were when Thomas acts like a pig, the feud with Josie, or Isobel finds Linette spying on her. The author also writes the family dynamics well, where you see Isobel’s life with Mike starting to crumble and how she takes out the pressure on her children. Moreover, some surprising twists and revelations came out of the blue and added nicely to the storyline. Josie was also a memorable side character who spiced the story.

Perhaps my only criticism of the tale was the chapters focusing on Linette. I would have instead the author focused only on the plot from Isobel’s side, as Linette seemed to digress the story in parts. Moreover, I found some additional characters unnecessary, like the Quinns and Bashir.

Apart from that, I enjoyed reading “The New Neighbour” and found it a brilliant addition to the author’s portfolio.

Book Tour Schedule

The New Neighbour

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The New Neighbour by Miranda Rijks Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours

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