Falling into magic by Elizabeth Pantley

Falling into magic

Falling into magic by Elizabeth Pantley

Release: November 15th 2020
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing
Source: Love Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible



An accidental journey through a magic mirror. A portal to an enchanted land. A mysterious family she never knew she had. Hayden’s life is upended with the wonder of Destiny Falls. But it is tainted by the danger that brought her here and that threatens her newfound family. Can Hayden and her sassy sidekick remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical new life in this captivating world?

When Hayden was a child, she lost her cat. Adults told her the cat ran away, but she knew the truth. The mirror had taken her. She knew because the mirror gave her a glimpse of an alternate world and had nearly pulled her in, so she was certain the cat had suffered that fate.

Twenty years later Hayden discovers the secret of the mirror when she is thrust into it. She learns of an enchanted world she never knew existed, and a family she never knew she had.

But danger brought her here, and it followed her. Now, Hayden is on a mission to remove the threat, so that she can begin her magical, meaningful new life in this enchanted world.

About the Author:

Elizabeth Pantley is the internationally bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents. Her books have been published in over twenty languages. She is also the author of the popular Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic book series.

She lives in the Pacific Northwest, the beautiful inspiration for Destiny Falls world, and is the mother of four and Nana to one. 

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Falling into magic Review:

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“Falling into Magic” is the first book of the “Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic” series and was very entertaining.

The first aspect that struck me is the adorable method of the author’s writing style. The author narrates the tale in a childlike, whimsical manner that makes you feel like reading a classic. I got absorbed in Hayden’s world as she found herself going through a portal that would change her life.

Hayden is lovely, and I liked how she handled the mystery and challenges that came her way. She has a beautiful bond with Axel, and their relationship is one of the highlights of the tale. As the story progresses, the author also introduces the more extensive cast of the Cardwell family, where Hayden finds herself as a possible target in a murder mystery. Characters like Eleanor and Han were also intriguing. Similarly, Latifa was adorable and one of my favorite characters. Also, I enjoyed the cozy mystery aspect because there are quite a lot of suspects to go through.

Moreover, the author also constructed the world-building nicely, and I enjoyed how the environment shifted itself to suit the resident. For instance, I loved how the library positioned itself for Hayden to enter it. Some shocking moments like when Hayden sees the bearded guy, or the incident with the car, added well to the tale.

However, at times I felt there was too much in the story. For instance, certain characters feel unnecessary when looking back, like Ian and Indigo. Some paragraphs felt repetitive, like Hayden’s love for the library or missing her family in Seattle, that staggered from the mystery element. Also, the storyline with the witch, while entertaining, felt disconnected.

Nevertheless, overall, “Falling into Magic” is a promising start to the series and worth reading.


Book Tour Schedule

Falling into magic

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Falling into magic by Elizabeth Pantley Blog Tour hosted by Love Book Tours



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