Stranger Love by Autumn Miller

Stranger Love

Stranger Love by Autumn Miller 

Release: November 28th 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Miller Publishing
Source: Lovebook Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle __



They say you’ll have the time of your life at university, but it was the handsome stranger in a local bar who gave me mine.Our connection was instantaneous, our conversation littered with inappropriate teasing. And his kiss. Blew. My. Mind. Going home with him was never in doubt.

The next day, he promised to call, but I never heard from him again. Trying not to feel rejected, I decided to look at my one night stand as an experience fitting of college life. The unexpected baby wasn’t part of the deal though. I wasn’t down for that particular experience. I’m a final year student and the timing is awful. But despite delivering babies for a living, Callum’s not happy about the pregnancy, making accusations and assumptions every time we meet. He treats me as if I’m his enemy, and if he’s not careful he’ll make me one, pushing me away for good.


The green-eyed girl from the bar is standing in my hospital, looking at an ultrasound scan in her hands. I hoped to see her again, to relive our incredible night, but not like this. Not with my world exploding, my worst fears realised. I’ve knocked up a stranger. When I confront her about the baby, things go from bad to worse. I’m unable to say a thing right, upsetting Rose every chance I get. 

But despite being blindsided by the news, I want to be involved in the pregnancy. After all, I’m an obstetrician, and babies and women’s bodies are my speciality. And even though I’ve never felt possessive about a woman before, it’s not long before strong, protective tendencies build inside me.

I can’t stay away from her. She’s carrying my child. I’m going to be a father. That connection we had months ago, reignites. We get closer. Too close. And I have no idea where we go from here. 

About the Author:

Autumn Miller lives in Norfolk, England. She studied French and German at university in London, and ended up in marketing, rarely needing to practise her language skills. As part of her degree she lived in Karlsruhe, Germany for a year, where she travelled extensively.

With family from Europe, and having spent many a summer holiday on the continent, languages and travel are topics that will often come up in her books, especially now she’s forgotten how to speak French and German. With that in mind, she focusses on interesting, diverse characters who take centre stage in her romance stories instead.

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Stranger Love Review:

“Stranger Love” is a charming romance with strong characters, drama, and steaminess that will treat fans of the genre.

This book was very entertaining and much better than I had hoped. Initially, I was skeptical because I thought the book would contain mostly steamy scenes with a predictable plot. The story feels fresh, and the main characters are also engaging. The author’s strength is in writing the character’s emotions. I loved Rose and Callum and how we got a shifting perspective of the events between chapters. What’s beautiful about the tale is how the author gives equal importance to both characters without making it a book all about Rose.

As much as I loved Rose, Callum was my favorite. The author portrayed their emotions realistically through various phases to adjust to the pregnancy. You see him overcome his feelings and build trust for Rose. Some of my favorite moments of theirs are when Callum saves Rose from a panic attack or when they travel to Paris. Once you start reading the book, you will get glued to the storyline and the cast.

Moreover, the author also spices the story by bringing drama from family and friends. The family members are not easy to deal with, and it was interesting to see how their dynamics changed. I particularly liked the scenes when Callum meets Rose’s friends and feels more protective towards her. Similarly, even characters like John and Helena spice the story with their drama. On a side note, I also adored Evie and Imogen and hoped they were more prominent.

Overall, “Stranger Love” is a lovely romance that the author wrote splendidly and is worth picking up for romance fans.

Book Tour Schedule

Stranger Love

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Stranger Love by Autumn Miller Blog Tour hosted by Lovebook Tours

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