Bluebird At My Window by H. Noah

Bluebird At My Window

Bluebird At My Window by H. Noah

Release: February 15th 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: H. Noah
Source: Rockstar Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, TBD,



When faced with trauma, how would you react?

Would you survive, succumb, or lose yourself to your own meaning of justice?

Ann was only seventeen when she died. She tried to be a dutiful daughter, to pray, to repent. But it wasn’t enough. Her mother, Diane, didn’t mean to kill her but when she found Ann consorting with devils, she had no choice. She believed the angels-that in the end, the water would save them both.

But every choice holds weight.

One death, and Arthur is thrown back into the work he wanted to leave. Again, One death, and Richard must face the reality of his choices. One death, and Maddie and Marie are confronted with the hardest parts of love.

If only good intentions were enough to keep them from the carnage of their own decisions . . .

A dark contemporary fiction drenched in blood, this debut novel from H. Noah has an intricate true crime feeling with psychological depth.

Content Warning

The following book centers around processing trauma. Please be aware that it will touch upon such topics as violence, sexual assault (not overly descriptive), racism, microaggressions, misogyny, incest, and homophobia. This book also focuses on mental health and will cover depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicidal ideation, hearing voices, religious fixations, delusions, self-harm, and drug abuse.

And this book is dark due to the topics covered.

This is not a horror or thriller meant to scare you. Please be kind to yourself and put the book back if you are not in a good place to read any of the things mentioned above.

Author Bio:

H. Noah,Queer Writer (They/Them)

I’ve been a massage therapist, social worker, poet, teacher, and more. I’ve lived in Alaska, Maine and many places in-between. Still trying to find a forever place but currently traveling the US.
B.A. – Criminology
M.S. – I-O Psychology
Book, Video Game, Horror Movie, and Board Game Fanatic. Who enjoys long walks, my two pets, and an air of mystery.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | TikTok

Bluebird At My Window Review:

“Bluebird At My Window” surprised me because of its subject matter and how the author tackled the forms of trauma.

The story immediately captured my attention when we learned of Ann’s death right from the beginning. What intrigued me about the story is how the author wrote the characters. You form a connection to each of the characters and feel for them because, in their opinion, they firmly believe that what they are doing is right. I was surprised that even Diane was mesmerizing, as, in any other story, I would have disliked the character. Similarly, Arthur, Marie, Richard, and Maddie also drive the story well. I enjoyed Arthur’s role as he became obsessed over Ann’s case and wondered how he would reflect on the events. Moreover, I loved the bond between Marie and Maddie. Initially, I thought how Maddie’s character would have relevance to the tale, but the author makes her prominent.

Moreover, there are many triggers like assault, trauma, misogyny, and violence, so this book is not for everyone. Yet, I thought the author handled the subject matter well in line with the plot. There are also shocking, suspenseful moments, like the courtroom scenes and Arthur and Marie’s events post that. It was fascinating to see how Ann’s murder caused a ripple effect on all these characters, and some moments will give you goosebumps and chills.

Perhaps the only criticism I have of the tale is that it was bumpy initially—the author shifts between the characters of so many people that I took time to adapt. However, after the first few chapters, I was glued to the tale.

Overall, “Bluebird At My Window” is a raw, gripping, and engaging read that deals with the

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bluebird At My Window

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on thBluebird At My Window by H. Noah Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!

Book Tour Schedule

Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours-Kickoff Post-2-7/-2022
@jaimerockstarbooktours-IG Post-2-7-2022
Mythical Books-Excerpt or Guest Post/IG Post-2-8-2022
Writer of Wrongs-Excerpt or Guest Post-2-8-2022
The Momma Spot-Excerpt or Guest Post-2-9-2022
BookHounds YA-Excerpt or Guest Post-2-9-2022
Daily Waffle-Excerpt or Guest Post/IG Post-2-10-2022
Rajiv’s Reviews-Review-2-10-2022
The Girl Who Reads-Review-2-11-2022
Jazzy Book Reviews-Review-2-11-2022

Week Two:
Take A Look At My Bookshelf-Review-2-14-2022
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog-Review-2-14-2022
Adrienne Woods-Excerpt or Guest Post/IG Post-2-15-2022
Karen Dee’s Book Reviews-IG Spotlight-2-15-2022
Sadie’s Spotlight-Excerpt or Guest Post/IG Post-2-16-2022
Two Points of Interest-Review-2-17-2022
Two Chicks on Books-Excerpt or Guest Post-2-17-2022
Dr Roha Tahir-Review-2-18-2022

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