The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story

The Beached Ones

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story

Release: June 14, 2022
Format: Paperback
Publisher: CamCat Books
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, AudibleB&N




Daniel and his younger brother grew up in an abusive home. Daniel escaped. Now an established stunt rider, he intends to go back to rescue his brother. But then one jump goes horribly wrong . . .

He recovers to find himself in Iowa, unscathed, yet his life has drastically changed. His best friend won’t answer his calls. Even his girlfriend is hiding something. Increasingly terrified, he clings to the one thing he knows: He must pick up his brother in San Francisco. In five days.

From the isolating fields of Iowa to the crowded streets of San Francisco, Daniel must fight his way through a fog of disjointed memories and supernatural encounters to face the truth and pay a debt he didn’t know he owed.

About the Author:

Colleen M. Story has worked in the creative writing industry for over 20 years. Her last novel, Loreena’s Gift, was a Foreword Reviews’ INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, among others. She also writes nonfiction books for writers, including Writer Get Noticed!, a gold-medal winner in the Reader’s Favorite Book Awards, and Overwhelmed Writer Rescue, Book by Book Publicity’s Best Writing/Publishing Book of 2018.

As a full-time freelance health writer, Colleen has authored thousands of articles for publications like Healthline and Women’s Health, worked with high-profile clients in the healthcare industry, and ghostwritten wellness books. She frequently serves as a workshop leader and motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.

A lifelong musician, Colleen plays the French horn in her local symphony and pit orchestras. When not writing, she’s walking, reading, and exploring the beautiful Northwest. To learn more, see her website ( ), motivational blog (), and mystical blog (), and connect with her on Twitter (@colleen_m_story).

Website | Twitter | Blog | Youtube | Goodreads

The Beached Ones Review:

“The Beached Ones” is a dramatic tale about a man’s journey as he tries to find out what happened to him, and I loved the way the author executed it.

I enjoyed reading this book because it was unpredictable, emotional, exciting, and a strong lead character. Daniel shines in the role, and I supported him right from the beginning. There is a sense of mystery as Daniel wakes up in the sand near the coastline from the start. I always enjoy a book where the character goes on a profound journey of sorts, and the author executed it perfectly here.

As the story progresses, you meet additional characters like Jolene, Isabella, Brent, Gus, and tony. The author writes the character beautifully where their actions intrigue you. I loved daniels relationship with Tony and how the author flashbacks to their memories. Similarly, the author also writes the romance between Jolene and Daniel nicely, where you see how protective he gets over her.

Moreover, the author surprised me with the twists and took the story on a path I did not expect. Some memorable moments in the tale are when Isabella feels daniels presence, the scenes with Trisha and when Brent scares Daniel with the gun. The author leads the story to an exciting climax that dwells on pure fantasy, and I could not stop reading. This book is undoubtedly one that I won’t forget anytime soon, and I thought the author executed it beautifully.

I look forward to reading more of her books in the future. Overall, “The Beached Ones” is a beautiful fantasy mystery fiction worth checking out.

The Beached Ones

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours.

Book Tour Schedule

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Love My Books 2020-May 11th
Rozier Reads and Wine-May 12th
David L Morgan-May 13th
 Sho Biz Reads-May 14th
Rajivs Reviews-May 15th
Nurse Bookie-May 17th
Novels and Latte Book Club -May 18th
CMT Loves Wine and Books-May 18th
The Page Ladies-May 19th
Reading With Mere-May 20th
Bookish Heidi-May 23rd
Amys Book Nook-May 24th
Geaux Get Lit-May 24th
Subakka Bookstuff-May 26th
Books and Coffee MX-June 1st

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