Secrets In The Mirror by Leslie Kain

Secrets In The Mirror

Secrets In The Mirror by Leslie Kain

Release: September 13, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Atmosphere Press
Source: Suzyapproved Book Tours
Find it at GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N



Family. The same people who destroyed Gavin’s self-esteem are the ones he must save.

When Gavin looks in the mirror, he sees his twin Devon ― literally. Yet like the mirror, inside, they are the reverse of each other. Devon is the chosen one, anointed by their demanding Mob-connected father, who demeans Gavin as a nerd but expects him to save his brother from his worst instincts. Gavin struggles to believe in himself and make his own decisions in the face of Dad’s bullying and Devon’s narcissistic gaslighting. When Devon gets into drugs and crime, people start dying. Gavin’s loyal allies tell him he can’t save his twin; he must save himself. He flees to find freedom and success far away, but he can’t hide from his sociopathic brother or the Mob.

Secrets In The Mirror is a sweeping saga of one family’s journey to rise above cultural precedent. But Gavin is the one who must finally break the shackles of multigenerational and narcissistic abuse, despite inextricable bonds with a twin who’s headed for self-destruction. It is a tale that grapples with the imperative to save others versus the struggle to protect oneself.

About the Author:

Leslie Kain earned her degree in psychology at Wellesley College, then worked at McLean Hospital for two years. But supporting children demanded a more significant income, so she got her MBA at Boston University and began a career doing business development in bleeding edge high tech and Intelligence. Once her kids were somewhat self-sufficient, she returned to her passion, serving as a director in nonprofits (NAMI, CHADD), focusing on mental health. Having written “nonfiction” (technical, scientific, marketing) during her varied careers, she surprised herself when she attempted fiction. She turned to novels with several short stories published in literary journals and an anthology. She brings her passion for psychology to levels of inner conflict and resolution. Originally from “all over” the U.S., she now resides in Mexico with her husband and cat Sheba (her writing muse)

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Secrets In The Mirror Review:

Oh, my goodness! “Secrets In The Mirror” is a remarkable story with strong, contrasting leads that hooked me to the storyline.

Let me start by saying that I loved stories with twins. The author does a fantastic job in writing Gavin and Devon. As soon as the tale absorbs you, you feel so protective towards Gavin and despise Devon with a passion. I loved Gavin, and he was the star of the show. He goes out of his way to care for everyone around him, even though everyone tells him to focus on himself. Some of my favorite moments are the moments with him and Katie, his graduation, and the love he shares for his mother.

Similarly, Devon is just nasty to the core, and you wonder what havoc he would wreak as he is not mentally stable. The author writes their personality so well that you worry about what Devon would do to sabotage Gavin and hope that Gavin will not turn sour just like him. The supporting characters, like their parents, also had a dramatic role, and I was not too fond of Tony. However, that is not to say that the characters are one-dimensional. The author surprisingly adds different tones to each character, and I felt even a bit sorry for Devon.

Moreover, the author gave me a lot to think about regarding Narcissistic personality disorder, and I realized that I know people in reality who display this personality (albeit not as strongly as Devon). The author adds in many passages, especially in the beginning, when we hear from Dr. Epstein about the various causes and side effects, that made me fascinated on the topic.

Overall, “Secrets In The Mirror” was a story I don’t think I will forget anytime soon, and I loved it!

Book Tour Schedule

Secrets In The Mirror

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on Secrets In The Mirror by Leslie Kain Blog Tour hosted by Suzyapproved Book Tours. Check out my post, and make sure to enter the giveaway!


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