Her Name Is Knight by Yasmin Angoe

Her Name Is Knight

Her Name Is Knight by Yasmin Angoe

Release: November 1, 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Source: Suzy approved Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Audible, B&N



A smash debut novel from rising star Yasmin Angoe, Her Name Is Knight features an elite assassin heroine on a mission to topple a human trafficking ring and avenge her family.

Stolen from her Ghanaian village as a child, Nena Knight has plenty of motives to kill. Now an elite assassin for a powerful business syndicate called the Tribe, she gets plenty of chances.

But while on assignment in Miami, Nena ends up saving a life, not taking one. She emerges from the experience a changed woman, finally hopeful for a life beyond rage and revenge. Tasked with killing a man she’s come to respect, Nena struggles to reconcile her loyalty to the Tribe with her new purpose.

Meanwhile, she learns a new Tribe council member is the same man who razed her village, murdered her family, and sold her into captivity. Nena can’t resist the temptation of vengeance―and she doesn’t want to. Before she can reclaim her life, she must leverage everything she was and everything she is to take him down and end the cycle of bloodshed for good.

About the Author:

Yasmin Angoe is the debut author of the bestselling and award-winning thriller Her Name Is Knight. She is a first-generation Ghanaian American and has worked in education for nearly twenty years as a middle and high school teacher and instructional coach. Currently, Yasmin works as a developmental editor and sensitivity reader for publishers and authors.

Yasmin received the 2020 Eleanor Taylor Bland Award for Emerging Writers of Color from Sisters in Crime of which she is a member. She is also a proud member of numerous crime, mystery, and thriller writing groups and organizations like Crime Writers of Color, Mystery Writers of America, and International Thriller Writers.

When she’s not writing, Yasmin’s editing for clients, searching what show or movie to binge, absorbed in an audiobook, or obsessing about the fact she should probably be writing at that very moment.

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Her Name Is Knight Review:

“Her Name Is Knight” is a brilliant start to the “Nena Knight” series, and I could not put the book down.

Wow, I cannot believe this is a debut novel by the author because I could not put it down. Nena is one of the best characters I have read recently, and I was rooting for her throughout. She goes through so much in the tale, and you can see how she progresses to become a strong person. Even the supporting characters were so memorable. I loved Nena’s relationship with Georgia and how she opened her heart when she met Cort. The author writes Nena’s feelings so dynamically that you can connect with her. Similarly, the story’s villains, especially Paul, are so conniving and ruthless that you immediately despise them for what he does.

Moreover, I loved how the author toggled the story with two different timelines, one before and one after the events that changed Nena’s life, by also changing the perspective. My heart went to Nena in the “Before” segment, and I was cheering for her in the “After.” What’s also beautiful is how there is a little of everything for everyone. You have romance, intrigue, action, adventure, and even horror when you witness what Nena witnesses in Ghana. Please note that there are many violent, graphic scenes, so the book is not for the faint of heart. I won’t forget some moments when Nena is in France or when she first reaches the compound.

Overall, “Her Name Is Knight” is a brilliant debut, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you want to read a fast-paced action adventure with a strong female lead, you should pick this one up.

Book Tour Schedule

They Come At Knight

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on They Come At Knight by Yasmin Angoe Blog Tour hosted by Suzy approved Book Tours

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