Killing Kindness

Killing Kindness by Lisa Sell

Release: 15th September 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Red Dragon Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



Summer 1992: The Six, a group of teenagers, met in a disused mill every night. They thought they were invincible until Simon, a kind young man, disappeared.

Summer 2021: The Six – minus Simon – gather at the renovated mill for his memorial. The reunion begins and a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues. The body count rises. Someone is killing kindness.

It’s cruel to be kind…

About the Author:

Lisa Sell is a thriller, crime, and mystery author. She is an avid reader with a to-be-read tower rather than a pile.

Music rocks Lisa’s world too, particularly a good eighties tune. If lost, you’ll find her in a DeLorean, headed for her favorite decade.

Lisa’s cats try to help her write but often fail. The furry pests demand attention and desk space. Lisa is currently applying for cat wrangling to be recognized as an Olympic sport.

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Killing Kindness Review:

“Killing Kindness” is a thrilling murder mystery that kept me guessing what was happening, and I loved how the author executed it.

Firstly, I enjoyed the way the author told the story. Each chapter is short yet throws the punch effectively in terms of plot progression. We have a large cast of characters, and while it might take a few pages for you to get the hang of them all, you feel like you are part of the group once the plot absorbs you. Also, I loved how the story randomly goes between the past and present, where you see incidents from the 90s, then the 00s, and then a few years ago to the present, in no order. As the story progresses, you see the kill count increase and wonder who is behind it. The author connected all the plots nicely and even looking back at the events, it made sense.

Moreover, each character stands out uniquely yet has an air of mystery. For instance, Simon, in the flashbacks, appears like a kind chap, but you sense there is a dark side to him. Similarly, Joe sometimes got on my nerves, but I still felt terrible for him. The author made me feel various emotions for each character, and it was exciting to see their backstory and what they were hiding. True, there were a few lackluster characters, in my opinion, like Erin and even Stevie, but it didn’t make the story any less thrilling. My favorite characters, perhaps, were Charlotte, Dylan, and the Witch. These people were just a big question mark, and I wondered how everything connected to the arc.

If you love murder mystery whodunit thrillers that keep you guessing, check out “Killing Kindness by Lisa Sell”!


Book Tour Schedule

Killing Kindness

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Killing Kindness by Lisa Sell Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.



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