The App

The App by Stuart James

Release: October 28, 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher:  Independently published
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon



The App…
Once you’re in, they’ll never let you leave.
Whatever happens, don’t download The App.
* It will come in the form of a link or on a social media account, emails or a WhatsApp message from a friend.
 You’ll be enticed by the chance of winning one hundred thousand pounds on offer every Friday, wired straight into the winner’s bank account.
It’s not a joke.
This part is genuine.
 Someone can and will win the money.
But at what cost?
Marty Benson gets the link from a friend.
He clicks it, downloads the app and enters a few basic details.
An hour later, another message.
Do not delete the app or tell anyone outside of your family about the app.
Send the link to one person who is close to you.
If you break any of the rules, we’ll kill a member of your family. Then we’ll kill you.
Marty is sent a picture of his wife, who is shopping with her mother in Oxford Street.
As Marty struggles to breathe, he clicks the links and watches the most recent streams, realising what happens within the app.
Every Friday morning, a person is a pick from social media.
Their profile appears on the app’s main page; all their details are displayed.
Every app member must play the game at least once a month or face the consequences.
Kill the person randomly selected from social media.
Win one hundred thousand pounds.
As Marty watches the terror unfold and everyone streaming the hunt within the app, he realises he has to do something.
But how do you stop a murder, when everyone could be the killer?

Author Bio:

Scary stories, especially ones that shocked me, left me terrified, looking under my bed or in the wardrobe before going to sleep was always interesting.

Stayed at my nan’s house in Ireland as a youngster with my mother and sister, on the West Coast, in a cottage, surrounded by miles of fields. And my family sitting around the table in the kitchen at night telling ghost stories. Going out and exploring derelict farmhouses in the middle of nowhere. I remember clearly the field at the end of the road was supposed to be haunted by headless nuns. My cousins often remind me of the great times we had, frightening each other and running for our lives whenever we’d see something that didn’t look right.

 I’m so grateful when people not only read my thrillers but also take the time to get in touch and leave a review. To me, that is the greatest feeling, hearing from people that have enjoyed my work.  And I know then that I’m doing something right.

I’m 45, married and have two beautiful children. Currently, I’m a full-time plumber but would love nothing more than to make a living from my writing. I hope I write stories and people continue to enjoy them for years to come. That would be completely amazing and a dream come true.

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The App Review:

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“The App” is a roller-coaster horror ride you cannot take down once you start reading.

I just finished reading this book, and I still have goosebumps. The author created a setting that’s so relevant to the present times, where all of us are addicted to our phones and spend countless house on our favorite apps. What if your best friend, who you closely trust, sends you the link to an app promising riches? Wouldn’t you be tempted to install it, hardly realizing it could be a death trap? I love the concept of the story and feel the author executed it well (where even the mechanisms feel tech-savvy). The author adds something exciting in each chapter where Marty, our hero, has to make a life-changing decision.

Marty is excellent in the lead, and I loved how protective he is towards Abbey and Beth. He is by no means superman but does what any average person would do to save his family while they are on the run and hunted down like animals. Similarly, Jonathan is an alarming character that the author wrote well. His backstory from 1981 intrigued me and crept me to see the person he became, especially in the scenes with Aunt Joyce. Even supporting characters like Gary and Davey add nicely to the mix. But, apart from Marty, the other highlight of the story was ETHEL! I loved her, and she blended humor into the tale so well! I never believe horror and comedy mix reasonably, but I would give an exception for Ethel because her dialogues and sassiness (not to mention her love for Coronation Street) just had me giggling.

Overall, “The App” is a gripping suspense, thriller, and horror novel that keeps you entertained and is worth reading!


Book Tour Schedule


The App

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The App by Stuart James Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours





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