As The Moon Fell Down by L.B Stimson

Release: July 13th 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Question Mark Press
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: GoodreadsAmazon,



In the spring of 1982, photographer Ellie Spaulding conned her way into the perfect setting to complete her upcoming gallery show. A secluded farmhouse in rural Virginia.

There were only two rules to follow. She soon learns the house is keeping secrets and those dwelling within it have been waiting for someone to expose them.

Once again, L.B. Stimson has created a terrifying ghostly tale inspired by her own haunting experiences. Readers will find themselves interesting in the lives of both the living and the dead as the veil is broken, worlds collide, and secrets are revealed.


About the Author:

L.B. grew up in a one stop-light town in central Idaho. She earned a Bachelor of Art’s degree in cultural anthropology from California State University-Chico. She uprooted herself to begin a new life in Washington, D.C., where she began a varied career in professional communications in private business and education.

“I’ve always had a passion for photography, travel, writing, and history. I am thrilled to now be creating works of fiction that allow me to share these passions with others. One of my favorite parts of the writing process is the historical research required to bring authenticity to my characters’ lives.”

This is her fifth book and the second in her standalone series: Tales from the Parlor Room–a collection of gothic and ghostly tales.

She currently resides in Virginia where she enjoys cemetery walks, visiting abandoned and haunted places and working on more ghostly tales.

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As The Moon Fell Down Review:

The central aspect I loved about the story is how the author set the timeline. The story is like reading a gothic haunted house supernatural thriller from 50 to 70 years ago. It takes you back to a time with no smartphones and electronics, and you feel nostalgic, yet something relatable. Even if the author wrote it for present times, I loved how timeless it felt.

Secondly, I loved how the author constructed the plot. The tale has hardly three to four characters, but the author never makes it dull. Right from the get-go, I felt scared for Ellie as she resides in the house, trying to capture the perfect shots for her next gallery. You know something sinister about the place when you hear tapping noises, creaking floorboards, and lurking shadows in the corner. The author makes the story genuinely atmospheric, and I loved it.

Thirdly, the author wrote the characters well. Ellie is also excellent in the lead as she tries to figure out what is happening. Similarly, I liked Curtis and how protective he is towards Ellie. Even the other characters, like Hayes, Jolly, and Sue Christie, were memorable. The story is also short, and you can quickly finish it in one sitting. You won’t notice the time fly by once you start reading.

The only criticism of the book is that there are quite a few questions unanswered, especially with the back story of one of the characters. Perhaps the author intended to leave it open for interpretation, but it would have been nice to get some answers.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading “As The Moon Fell Down” by L.B Stimson” and would love to pick out some of the author’s other works.


Book Tour Schedule

  I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the As The Moon Fell Down by L.B Stimson Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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