The Ugliest Man on the Mountain

The Ugliest Man on the Mountain by Mark Laming

Release: July 1st 2021
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Blossom Spring Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon,



Amber McCarthy is a young woman with a high IQ and a well-paid job, but it is never enough for her and she seeks the thrill of planning and executing the perfect burglary.

On meeting wealthy businessman, Kane, her life changes and she relishes the challenge to win his love.

A new enemy at the door plays havoc with her plans and Kane moves to Andalusia.

With just one last chance of rebuilding their relationship, Amber believes she has the answer.

A thousand miles away in Spain, Kane has a shock in store for Amber that changes everything.

Author Bio:

My passion has always been writing and I am unable to imagine a day without putting the laptop through its paces. As a young boy I remember hiding in the wings of my father’s theatre in Harrogate, staring in awe at the actors rehearsing for a show that he had written. Irrefutably, a tiny slice of his magic, thankfully, rubbed off on me and became the catalyst for my storytelling.

To date, four of my novels have seen the publishing and I am in the process of writing another one. I have written over two hundred short stories of which and BBC has broadcasted four of them. More recently I have become a regular contributor to a Dorset magazine group. My interests include horology and being grandfather to four colourful characters who continually test my mind and bank account!

I got nomination for The People’s Book Prize 2019 for my novel ‘Shadow with Nowhere to Fall’. The patrons are Frederick Forsyth CBE and Founding Patron: Dame Beryl Bainbridge. The last couple of years have been a busy time for me with local BBC radio interviews. I have also been featured as a guest on the American Author’s Show.

Finally, as many authors will confirm, it is a long and bumpy path getting published. If I had my time again, would I choose writing as my first love? You bet I would!

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The Ugliest Man on the Mountain Review:

There are many aspects that I enjoyed about the story. Firstly, I adored Amber and thought the author wrote her strengths nicely. Initially, she comes off as somewhat of a kleptomaniac. However, as the story progresses, you see her facing challenges and changing her life for the better. Some of my favorite moments were when she interacted with Liz or when she first met Toni.

Similarly, I appreciated the focus on charity and how the author emphasizes it in the plot to help homeless people. Amber comes up with pretty innovative solutions to help with funding options with the storyline, and I liked how the author executed it. Moreover, the story includes some genuinely lovely people who don’t have any ill intentions, like Liz, James, and Toni. The book had a lot of cozy moments, which is a nice change from the

The main criticism of the tale is the relationship between Kane and Amber. Their romance felt rushed, and I didn’t get why Amber kept going after Kane and was madly in love with him, even though they had just met a few times, half of which he was curt with her and quickly lost his temper. Also, Kane was a mixed bag for me. While I felt terrible for him on the one hand for what he goes through, on the other hand, I was not too fond of his attitude and the way he had high expectations of everyone. Frankly, I liked Jason more than Kane because Jason at least spiced up the story with his antics.

Nevertheless, “The Ugliest Man on the Mountain” is a fun read if you are in the mood for a dramatic romance where both characters go through significant ups and downs and try to connect.

Book Tour Schedule

The Ugliest Man on the Mountain

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on The Ugliest Man on the Mountain by Mark Laming Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours..




  1. Thank you Rajiv for reading my book ‘The Ugliest Man on the Mountain’
    and for taking time to review the story. Your comments are much appreciated
    and I send you my best regards. Mark Laming

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