
Leap by O.C. Heaton

Release: August 31st 2022
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Rookwood Publishing
Source: Zooloos Book Tours
Find it at: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle



Three broken people.
Two centuries of emissions.
One last chance to reverse global warming…

Uma Jacobsdottir, eco activist and daughter of famed quantum scientist Jakob Arnasson, dreams of reversing global warming.

From his London HQ, Ethan Rae is looking to cement his position as Britain’s youngest tech billionaire as he recovers from the trauma of his parents’ death.

After a chance meeting Uma teams up with Ethan to launch her father’s greatest invention – LEAP, a mysterious device that could replace all transportation, transform manufacturing and revolutionise food production.

But playboy CEO, Samuel Reynolds III has other ideas. Considered a failure by his patriarchal father he needs LEAP to save his family’s airline, once the biggest in the US but now facing bankruptcy in the wake of 911.

As the big day approaches, a terrible accident involving LEAP rips Uma and Ethan’s plans apart and they suddenly find themselves battling not only Reynolds but each other in the race to launch LEAP onto an unsuspecting world.

From the frozen wastelands of Iceland to the leafy suburbs of London and in the shadow of the Twin Towers, all three will stop at nothing to control the greatest invention in the history of mankind.

 Author Bio:

I write what I love to read – big issue thrillers that are super well researched inside a complex plot full of twists and turns.

When I sit down to write a book, I have three non negotiable rules:
1. It needs to concern a current or recent real world issue that I can deeply research (I love research!) and weave my fictional story into. Hopefully, so tightly that you struggle to spot where one stops and the other starts.
2. It has to have a complex plot full of twists and turns that’ll leave you guessing right until the end.
3. It must contain grey characters, even the good guys. This makes sense to me. Firstly as a reader I hate stereotypical/one dimensional characters and secondly, grey is real-life, right?

The result of the above is The Race Is On Series, an idea I had on a trip to Iceland. The first in the series is called LEAP, which tells the tale of a device which has the power to halt global warming. Told you I go for big issues! The ensuing race to control the power of this machine will continue throughout the sequel to LEAP which I’m well on my way to completing. It’s called Green Ray and will be published in May 2023.

I live in Leeds, UK with the love of my life and our two daughters. It rains a lot in Leeds but that works out well for me – loads of time for research and of course writing!

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Leap Review:

“Leap” is an intelligent science fiction thriller that dwells on the concept of teleportation, and I liked how the author executed it.

The story’s highlight was the concept of teleportation and how realistic the author made it. The author spins the tale with intricate details and descriptions that make you feel that this could happen in reality. I enjoyed the story as Ethan embarks on the journey with Uma, and they form Leap. Moreover, I admired how Uma sets rules, or Leap Laws, that go through the dos and don’ts. The author has gone through all the possibilities and covered all possible loopholes. This book certainly made me think about a world where the concept of teleportation would hit the public and how it would impact other transportation industries.

Secondly, I enjoyed how the author added adventure and thrills to the tale. From New York to Reykjavik, we travel worldwide, as Ethan and Uma’s lives are in danger. The author also introduces characters like Eva and Reynolds, who add a level of mystery. Initially, when these characters step in, we wonder how they connect to the main storyline. As the story progresses, you see how larger than life it becomes and how it interconnects and impacts the characters on different levels.

The only downside was that, at times, the pacing digressed due to the level of information the author provided about the concepts. Other than that, the book was fascinating!

Overall, “Leap” is an exciting start to “The Race is On” series, and I look forward to reading the continuation.


Book Tour Schedule


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the Leap by O.C. Heaton Blog Tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.


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